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Dot size questions

Jack H
john bickar
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What Size DOT do you use? Select the answer that fit you best.

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Total Votes : 85

Dot size questions Empty Dot size questions

Post by dronning 12/26/2013, 9:05 am

I am very new at bullseye and this question was asked of me my answer wasn't very good because I haven't settled on a standard yet.
What dot size do you use?  Some sights have a fixed dot size but most newer sights have a range of size and intensity.
Do you adjust based on conditions? Gun? Yardage?
As you made your way from Marksman to High Master did you change the DOT size smaller or larger, brighter or dimmer?

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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by john bickar 12/26/2013, 11:38 am

If you are shooting Marksman scores you are, IMO, wasting time and effort worrying about dot size.

Learn how to stand still. That will help you a lot more than knowing what dot size a bunch of strangers on the Internet use.
john bickar
john bickar

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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by Al 12/26/2013, 12:28 pm

I've tried smaller and larger than the 4 min dot.  I kept coming back to the 4.  That's all I use now.


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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by dronning 12/26/2013, 12:50 pm

John you are right and I appreciate any feedback I can get!  I am not planning on staying at Marksman - see signature. 

I am retired and have the time, I have the passion, plus I have made the commitment to make Master within my first year of Bullseye period!

The DOT info I asked about I am not really focusing on today, but it's info I want to add to my training journal if there is any kind of trend.

I am on an aggressive training and practice regime in which Yoga & balance along with dry firing, hold drills & exercise, are all part of my training plan.  Live fire drills and practice 2-3 times a week and I also practice indoors with an LP50 air pistol (4lb trigger option) daily.  

My aggregate 22 scores are creeping up to the low 90's and sustained fire is now consistently >94 - need to work on slow fire.  CF & 45 scores are just a few points back from my 22 scores. 

Not any competitions here this time of year so no new Expert card yet and to tell the truth I want my next card to be a Master card. 

Just put in a short trigger (thick hand short fingers) on my Marvel to try out and shot my best slow fire yet.  Putting one in the .45 today.  If this helps smooth out my triggering (I was kind of reaching before) I should see a couple of point jump in scores.  Gear doesn't make the score, you do, but it helps when things fit!

My Air Pistol scores are in the 545-560 range so I know my slow fire scores should be better.

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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by Jack H 12/26/2013, 1:06 pm

This question never goes into more possibilities.

First off, looking at dot or looking at bull

Small dim dot
Small bright dot
Large dim dot
Large bright dot
Large to almost cover bull
Large to totally cover bull

Comments on these?
Jack H
Jack H

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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by DavidR 12/27/2013, 10:36 am

try em all and in the end you will most likely be like 95% of us and use the standard 4 moa dot, that comes standard in ultradot 1'' and 30mm and also is included in all their dots.

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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by Rob Kovach 12/27/2013, 1:46 pm

I had a matchdot for awhile, but didn't like the 30mm window and didn't use any setting other than 4moa anyway so I switched everything to 1" Ultradot with only 4moa on all guns.
Rob Kovach
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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by Al 12/27/2013, 3:14 pm

Rob Kovach wrote:I had a matchdot for awhile, but didn't like the 30mm window and didn't use any setting other than 4moa anyway so I switched everything to 1" Ultradot with only 4moa on all guns.

Same road I traveled Rob, with exactly the same destination.


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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by sixftunda 12/27/2013, 5:14 pm

My scores increased when I went to a 4 moa.  My theory is that the bigger dot appears to wobble less to my eye.

I have a one inch Ultradot and to me the dot looks bigger than the 4 moa dot on a Matchdot.  I asked Alan Barcon who is a member of Team Ultradot and he said that the one inch Ultradots are slightly bigger than 4 moa.

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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by Schaumannk 12/31/2013, 8:10 pm

I have been turning down both the size, and intensity of my dot, since I started bullseye, five years ago.    While it doesn't really matter, because if you don't let your wrist get floppy, the dot will stay in the scope,  i have to be able to see the dot well enough to be able to ignore it.  

I know that sounds counter intuitive, but for me focusing on the dot itself is the kiss of death, it stalls my triggering, as I get caught up in watching the dot move.

When I am indoors under low light, I generally shoot a 4 MOA dot with an intensity of one.

     When I am indoors under relatively bright lights, I need to turn the intensity up to four or five.   When I am outdoors under a covered firing point, I usually go to seven or eight, and if it is an uncovered firing point ten or 11.   If I wear sun classes or use the polarizer, it can change.  
   I never had any issues with the Aimpoint, always easier to see under any conditions than an Ultra-dot, but I cant afford them for all my guns, so, I don't use them


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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by fpconlee 9/29/2014, 11:45 am

Doctor sight expert recommends 7 moa at 25 tds.  comments


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Dot size questions Empty Re: Dot size questions

Post by Jack H 9/29/2014, 11:51 am

I prefer 1" window with big dot that almost covers black.
Jack H
Jack H

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