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Wisconsin finally gets carry conceal law!

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Wisconsin finally gets carry conceal law! Empty Wisconsin finally gets carry conceal law!

Post by Founder 6/28/2011, 8:51 am

The law gets published today I believe and will go into effect in about 4 months. It is a permit system with minimal training and a $50 price tag. Not perfect but better than a kick in the pants!

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Wisconsin finally gets carry conceal law! Empty Re: Wisconsin finally gets carry conceal law!

Post by Rob Kovach 7/3/2011, 9:36 am

A special thanks should go to State Senator Pam Galloway. She did alot of heavy lifting for this issue. She also took a CC course as part of her research, (I think she took the Utah course). She made a lot of good points on the floor of the State Senate and countered any incorrect information that was presented by the other side.

If you are from Wisconsin, be sure to support your Republican State Senator. If it weren't for them, this would not have gotten through.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Join date : 2011-06-14
Age : 51
Location : Brooklyn, WI

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