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Shot an 87 today

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Shot an 87 today Empty Shot an 87 today

Post by Casey101 Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:17 pm

Took my son to the range today for his birthday, he's 22.
I wanted to rent a Range Officer but it was in the shop, so I rented a Kimber Match 1911 .45. My son, Jonathan wanted to try a 9mm, he rented an M&P pro

Shot 50 rounds thru the Kimber with very tight groups, only shot 1911 a few times in the Army almost 30 years ago. Nice gun, really wanted to rent the Range Officer
He liked the 9mm.

A few weeks ago I picked up an bushnell trs-25 dot and put it on my Buckmark target model .22 I was sighting in the dot and the range officer noticed my groups and suggested I shoot in the bullseye competition they have going on. I told him I've not shot in about 5 years. He said most of the entries so far have only been in the 70's range.

So I entered the .22 bullseye competition, which is to shoot 12 targets between January 15th to February 15th which costs $10 for half hour range time and includes 6 targets. So I shot the 6 targets today and will return probably next week to shoot the other 6 targets for another $10. So basically $20 to enter and you win a minimum of $100

I shot B2 targets at 50 feet indoors.
The ammo I used was the cheap Winchester at $4/box

My best was an 87 with 4x
Average over the 6 targets was 83

I really impressed myself for having not shot for at least 5 years, which was basically just plinking in the past. And with a red dot to boot!

Last edited by Casey101 on Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 32
Join date : 2014-01-02
Location : New Jersey

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Shot an 87 today Empty Re: Shot an 87 today

Post by DeweyHales Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:19 pm

Good job.

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Shot an 87 today Empty Re: Shot an 87 today

Post by Casey101 Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:25 pm

Thanks Dewey!
Years ago I taught my son to shot .22 Ruger bolt action riffle, he was thrilled to consistently put a round thru the middle of a quarter at 100 yards. He used it to impress the girls then.

Posts : 32
Join date : 2014-01-02
Location : New Jersey

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Shot an 87 today Empty Re: Shot an 87 today

Post by sixftunda Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:01 am

Good shooting!  You should try an outdoor competition this summer!

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Shot an 87 today Empty Re: Shot an 87 today

Post by Casey101 Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:25 am

sixftunda wrote:Good shooting!  You should try an outdoor competition this summer!
I plan on it, thanks

Posts : 32
Join date : 2014-01-02
Location : New Jersey

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Shot an 87 today Empty Re: Shot an 87 today

Post by Larry Lang Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:07 pm

Welcome to the Bullseye game. Caution, it's addictive.
Larry Lang
Larry Lang

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