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2nd Amendment donations through Amazon

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2nd Amendment donations through Amazon Empty 2nd Amendment donations through Amazon

Post by clark2245 Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:47 pm

I recently learned that it is possible to make donations of .5%  (half a percent) of most purchases on Amazon to Second Amendment causes, which is a nice thing.   They have a sort of separate and not well advertised way of entering the web site called AmazonSmile, which can be accessed at www.smile.amazon.com .   When you first go there just sign in with your regular Amazon account info, or set up an account, and then choose the charity to which you want to donate.   Instead of taking one of the ones they suggest go to the block where you can pick your own and search for "nra", which will result in a list where the top 3 are NRA charities.   I chose the second one "NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund" and now .5% of everything I buy there goes to them!

Just be sure that EVERY time you go to Amazon you enter through the www.smile.amazon.com route or there will not be any donation made.   Just change your bookmarks to take you in through that method.   If you follow a link on Google or elsewhere you will not be in the 'smile' side of the company so to make the donation go back and find the item again with a search after entering through 'smile' and make the purchase.   A little bit of a pain but for a good cause.  The items I have checked are all the same price both ways so you are not paying any more when having them make the donation.   I think I might have been the first one to choose that charity since they first gave me a message saying they would have to check to see if it was able to receive their donations, but now I only get a message saying a donation was made.


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Join date : 2011-06-18
Location : North Carolina

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2nd Amendment donations through Amazon Empty Re: 2nd Amendment donations through Amazon

Post by Casey101 Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:39 pm

Awesome find!

Can we make this a sticky???


Posts : 32
Join date : 2014-01-02
Location : New Jersey

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