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1911 Match Gun Reassembly Question

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1911 Match Gun Reassembly Question Empty 1911 Match Gun Reassembly Question

Post by tactserv Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:42 pm

I have a RRA Ball I am getting to know, and have a question regarding reassembly of the slide to the frame.  Years age I learned how to disassemble a match gun without rotating the bushing while the fitted part of the barrel is in the bushing.  What I cannot remember is how to get it back together without having the slide at battery when I rotate the bushing to trap the recoil spring/cap.

Any suggestions?


ps, I have also posted this on Target Talk


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1911 Match Gun Reassembly Question Empty Re: 1911 Match Gun Reassembly Question

Post by dronning Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:12 am

This video walks you through the method I use.


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1911 Match Gun Reassembly Question Empty Re: 1911 Match Gun Reassembly Question

Post by Ed Hall Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:00 pm

That's a pretty good video, but a few suggestions, since I prefer less hand swapping and the gun is a bit different:

0.  Make sure the gun is empty as in the video!  Also wear eye protection as in the video!
1.  Use the original left hand grasp with thumb in guard, as in the video, to retract the slide and align the cutout.
2.  Hold everything still with your left hand and push the stop out from the other side with your right fingers.
3.  Remove the stop with your right hand.
4.  Grasp the grip with your right hand and remove your left thumb from the guard.
5.  Ride the slide off the frame, keeping your fingers and/or thumb around the bottom to catch the recoil spring and rod.
6.  Remove the spring and rod.
7.  Now, with the slide off the frame, you can push the barrel forward and move the bushing CW to remove the plug and then CCW to remove the bushing.

Reassembly is pretty much the reverse, but after installing the bushing and plug, align the bushing so the plug will sit correctly in it, before pushing the barrel back fully into the slide.

1.  Place the spring into the plug and the rod into the other end and grasp the slide with your left hand as you had it for disassembly.
Note that some springs have a tight end and loose end - the tight end goes on the rod.
2.  Flip the link forward, compress the spring and place the rod base, oriented correctly, against the barrel ahead of the link, using your left thumb to hold the spring/plug/link in position.
3.  Grasp the frame by the grip in your right hand and slide the slide onto the frame allowing your thumb to ride up onto the dust cover as the plug moves inside.
4.  Once you have the spring captured by the frame, you can move your left thumb into the guard and start aligning the link hole with the frame hole.
5.  When the link hole is aligned, place the stop pin within the frame only far enough to capture the link.
6.  Now, align the cutout and swing the stop up and press into place.
Note: Be careful not to swing the stop against the frame on its way to the cutout.  I've seen many 1911s with the etched arch from swinging it too close.

Ed Hall

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