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9x21 reloading question

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9x21 reloading question Empty 9x21 reloading question

Post by Rush223 6/8/2024, 9:10 pm

Can you reload 9x21 using 9x19 dies, or 38 Super dies. same shell holder or bullets. Is there any commonality with a 38 Super. 


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9x21 reloading question Empty Re: 9x21 reloading question

Post by Wobbley 6/8/2024, 9:29 pm

RCBS says the same dies as 9mm Luger.  


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9x21 reloading question Empty Re: 9x21 reloading question

Post by noylj 6/15/2024, 5:48 am

9x21 is the longer brother of 9x19. Most modern dies are marked 9x19, 9x21, 9x23
A look at cartridge drawing, shown in almost every Reloading manual will show that the case head of those three cartridges is just a hair smaller than 40S&W, while 38 Super case head is almost the same as 223.
If you liad COL long, you can do very well with 9x21.


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