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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

james r chapman
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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by Brian.highstandard 6/16/2024, 1:01 pm

So I just purchased some CCI, SV 22LR ammunition and it looks great. I shooting Bullseye and my pistol likes CCI SV. When I look up the date of manufacture it says 2000. Can that be right? I got this information from the forums but I just can't imagine it being that old. 

And maybe a better product than current manufacture? Its their #35 product and years ago that was the ammo to purchase rather than the plastic BOXES. 

Give me your thoughts please. 



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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty Re: CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by james r chapman 6/16/2024, 1:11 pm

Dark blue box? Good stuff.

Light blue? Not so much
james r chapman
james r chapman

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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty Re: CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by Brian.highstandard 6/16/2024, 1:15 pm

Hello James!!
This is the lighter blue box with the orange stripe at the bottom that says Target. 

Thanks for your comment Jim!!


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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty Re: CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by Brian.highstandard 6/16/2024, 1:34 pm

Hey Jim!!
I have some of the Dark Blue box and it has better groups but the bullet hole is much smaller. The light blue box has much bigger holes in the target and it shoots great if I perform my duties. I don't really know why the holes are bigger but I have a tendency to shoot the light blue box.???


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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty Re: CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by shanneba 6/17/2024, 4:33 am

I believe E is for May, 09, is the day of the month and F would likely be 2024. May 09, 2024

This is what I have from a post at rimfirecentral- CCI SV Lot numbers... | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
I just went backward from the 1995 for the years to 1971, I am not positive there was not a change in lot number usage in 1995.

CCI Lot numbers
MonthXX Day of monthyear
AJanuary1A1971 19952019
BFebruary2B1972  19962020
CMarch3C1973 19972021
DApril4D1974 19982022
EMay5E1975 19992023
FJune6F1976 20002024
GJuly7G1977 20012025
HAugust8H1978 20022026
JSeptember9J1979 20032027
KOctober10K1980 20042028
LNovember11L1981 20052029
MDecember12M1982 20062030
13N1983 20072031
14P1984 20082032
15Q1985 20092033
16R1986 20102034
17S1987 20112035
18T1988  20122036
19U1989 20132037
20V1990 20142038
21W1991 20152039
22X1992 20162040
231993 20172041
24Z1994 20182042


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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty Re: CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by Jwhelan939 6/17/2024, 5:01 am

CCI has been so up and down for me. I have 5 cases that I randomly pull from. They range from early Obama era through now. The dark blue lots ransom significantly tighter. In some cases by inches. It’s also hard to track because two of the cases have zero lot numbers on them.


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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty Re: CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by Black_Talon 6/17/2024, 7:34 pm

Jwhelan939 wrote: It’s also hard to track because two of the cases have zero lot numbers on them.

They're probably there, but can be very difficult to see. They are lightly embossed into the box, sometimes on one of the flap ends, sometime on the outside bottom of the box. Hold a bright light at a low angle so you can see the shadow of the embossing.

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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty Re: CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by Brian.highstandard 6/22/2024, 8:33 am

Thanks Shanneba!! That helps and it is apparently new production and it looks like a good product. I shot this off a rest and it shot about an inch group at 25 yards. That will fill the 10 ring on a 25 yard Bullseye target. And that seems better than my previous CCI ammo. So that helps me with confidence in their product. To me it's practice ammo and SK for matches. 

I still prefer SK Pistol match and SK Rifle match because it shoots much better and very consistent. I'm willing to pay the extra $$ for SK Pistol Match groups that are half the size and easier to shoot timed and especially Rapid Fire. 

I happened to be wandering on Champions Choice website and they had CCI Standard Velocity in the DARK BLUE box and i questioned if this was a gimmick to get orders. I was told that it was their NEW Packaging in a pretty box which said to me it's the same ammo. Maybe an attempt to confuse us Bullseye shooters. I tried to buy some but it was going to camp Perry and was already loaded on their trailer. I was told they will sell out soon but will get more but may be awhile. I will buy some just to see if there is any difference??



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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty Re: CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by 243winxb 6/24/2024, 9:32 pm

This looks like a black box.  5000 rounds  7 cents each 

https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1301143578?pid=119086      $345.

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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty Re: CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by shanneba 6/25/2024, 3:35 am

I think Midway and Champions Choice might have an older CCI box pictured.

All the CCI SV in 50 round boxes I have, (bought from 2021-2023), are in this type of box as shown on the current CCI web page.

CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 CC_35_22LRStandardVelocityLRNTarget_Combo_R


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CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02 Empty Re: CCI 22LR, SV, LOt E09FA02

Post by rich.tullo 7/2/2024, 9:43 pm

I have a case of New CCI I ordered from the CMP , that batch was god awful. The lot ends in 02. I get about 2 duds per 50 and now that I am shooting better I get one or 2 high fliers.

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