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Bomar Rear Sight Windage Nut

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Bomar Rear Sight Windage Nut Empty Bomar Rear Sight Windage Nut

Post by John Dervis 6/25/2024, 9:34 am

I'm not sure if I have the correct name for the part in question but the other day I noticed that my windage adjustment screw was not flush to the side of the sight body.  This is the screw head on the right side of the sight.  I looked at my other guns and all of them are flush so I took a screwdriver and tightened down the windage nut (on the left side).  It requires a pronged type screwdriver head to get fully seated but it worked for my test to see if that would pull the adjustment screw head flush to the sight body and it did.  This may have moved the sight blade with it which I will check out but my question is should this nut be secured somehow so it doesn't move?  I thought I read somewhere that these are staked in place but I don't see any evidence that it was.  I could stake it or use locktite or ??  Any help in the right direction would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

John Dervis

Posts : 544
Join date : 2012-08-29
Age : 55
Location : Sheridan, Il.

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Bomar Rear Sight Windage Nut Empty Re: Bomar Rear Sight Windage Nut

Post by fc60 6/25/2024, 9:43 am


The hollow nut on most rear sights (windage) is staked at assembly.

However, a small drop of purple Loctite on the outside after assembly/adjustment may be a good thing.

This will allow you to take the nut and screw apart, if needed, at a later date.

Bonus is that you can reuse the parts.

I say put the Loctite on after assembly. The Loctite will wick into the threads and, hopefully, not get into the body of the sight binding it up.

Should things go wrong with the Loctite approach, heat the sight assembly in the oven at 400F and that should allow you to disassemble the parts without damage.



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Bomar Rear Sight Windage Nut Empty Re: Bomar Rear Sight Windage Nut

Post by John Dervis 6/25/2024, 10:14 am

Thanks Dave.  I'll give the Loctite a try.


John Dervis

Posts : 544
Join date : 2012-08-29
Age : 55
Location : Sheridan, Il.

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