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Toledo Adams range

john bickar
james r chapman
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Toledo Adams range Empty Toledo Adams range

Post by james r chapman 7/2/2024, 7:15 pm

Whatever happened to the Toledo Adams bullseye matches???
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Toledo Adams range Empty Re: Toledo Adams range

Post by john bickar 7/2/2024, 8:04 pm

Habegger might know. He used to live up there and shoot those matches. 

I know they had matches there in the 1980s (my dad set a National Record there in 1982, 300-19x .22NMC, Civilian, since eclipsed), but by the time I started shooting in 1990 I don't think they were having matches there anymore.
john bickar
john bickar

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Toledo Adams range Empty Re: Toledo Adams range

Post by Colt711 7/2/2024, 8:29 pm

I just talked to Jack Taylor a couple of days ago. It seems there is nearly no interest, just some limited practice. He and Jack Grogan were the shooters who started matches there (Adams) in 1971 or 72. I shot in that 1st match, also my first outdoor. There was great participaton and improvements every year.  Jack explains the range was patterned after Bristol's Wa-Ka-De. He said the range has been updated and looks better than ever. A shame!

He related the range is also used by a group of smallbore shooters of which he is a part. In his 90's, he won the 1st SB match he shot in!

Jack Taylor is old school. He ran indoor matches in SW Mich, helped develop the range and ran matches @ Adams, in FL he started a senior BE group @ the WY Antelope Club. He was always ready to help and encourage new shooters. Jim Leonardson was one of those at something like age 15 or 16!

Jim Ciak, I have no address or tel. ran the last matches, 1 a yr, and might be a contact.

Ron Habegger


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Toledo Adams range Empty Re: Toledo Adams range

Post by Colt711 7/2/2024, 8:34 pm

Your Dad may have shot his 1st 2600 there. I was shooting close to he & Cecil Juzli when one of them did.

Taylor used to talk of the number of shooters who broke 2600 there.
Ron Habegger


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Toledo Adams range Empty Re: Toledo Adams range

Post by Multiracer 7/2/2024, 9:09 pm

Lack of interest and lack of volunteers to setup and run the matches. In Northern Ohio we used to shoot outdoor matches @ Erie County, Canton, Toledo and then Cardinal.
Indoors used to be Warren, Canton, Oak Harbor each month fall to spring.
It has diminished tremendously just since I got started in 2017.


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Toledo Adams range Empty Re: Toledo Adams range

Post by john bickar 7/2/2024, 11:00 pm

Colt711 wrote:John,
Your Dad may have shot his 1st 2600 there. I was shooting close to he & Cecil Juzli when one of them did.

I bet drinks were had. Laughing
john bickar
john bickar

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Toledo Adams range Empty Re: Toledo Adams range

Post by Colt711 7/3/2024, 12:37 am

On one occasion the RO, Dale, started commands for the next string and ony to disappear. After a pause of several mins he  reappeared. When questioned he replied he was tapping another keg!!

At another range, which shall remain nameless, there was an antique coke machine at the end of the firiing line which dispensed the favorite brew!

Those were the days!

Ron Habegger


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Toledo Adams range Empty Re: Toledo Adams range

Post by chiz1180 7/3/2024, 7:59 am

Adams has a fantastic range, however they lack people who have time and a willingness to Run matches. I really takes more than one dedicated person, and most places have one person that does it. They had a club league, but I have not seen any of the guys up that way in a while.

I liked shooting there. I got several legs there and shot a personal best or two that took a while to best.  

They have an active high power group up there, but little to no cross over to pistol.

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Toledo Adams range Empty Re: Toledo Adams range

Post by mbmshooter 7/3/2024, 5:13 pm

john bickar wrote:JB,

I don't recall the exact year in the 90s but Adams was one of my favorite matches.  I was squadded between Ron Zalewski to my right
and Jim Lenardson to my left.  Jim was using the 208s I had just sold to him and he fired a 300-??x NMC.  After scoring him
I asked if that was his first 300.  He said NOOOOOO!  
Well excuuuuuse me!!   Toledo Adams range 1f602  Toledo Adams range 1f602 


Habegger might know. He used to live up there and shoot those matches. 

I know they had matches there in the 1980s (my dad set a National Record there in 1982, 300-19x .22NMC, Civilian, since eclipsed), but by the time I started shooting in 1990 I don't think they were having matches there anymore.


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