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Revolver Accuracy

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Revolver Accuracy Empty Revolver Accuracy

Post by Axehandle Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:12 am

What is shooting the best? Colt?  L frame S&W? K Frame S&W? N frame S&W? Blue? Stainless?  I'd think that the PPC guys would have worked out all the best modifications years ago.  Now I'm not talking how well you can shoot one.  I'm asking about accuracy with the best Distinguished Revolver Ammo from a machine rest.   Guess the Colt would have a from the hand sight advantage with the fine Ellison sight that is available on the Python.


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Revolver Accuracy Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy

Post by Jack H Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:30 am

I doubt new 38 revolvers and ammo of any brand will match the good old days Colt OMM and Remington Tgt ammo.
Jack H
Jack H

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Revolver Accuracy Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy

Post by waid1406 Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:47 am

Im using a 6" Manurhin MR73 in distinguish with the non triggerstop trigger. For factory It works best with American eagel 158gr.
1,5" on 50y.

For handloads it's either Hornady XTP with longshoot or Nordic bullets with N320. 1,25" on 50y


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