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Viral Olympic Shooter

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Viral Olympic Shooter - Page 4 Empty Viral Olympic Shooter

Post by jobo10811 8/1/2024, 9:33 pm

First topic message reminder :


This Olympic airgun shooter has gone viral.  Is the flip-down blinder really necessary, or helpful?  

He doesn't think so.


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Viral Olympic Shooter - Page 4 Empty Re: Viral Olympic Shooter

Post by Brian Mason 8/18/2024, 11:40 am

xmastershooter wrote:
In defense of the Marksmen, scoring their targets is a bit more work than scoring a Master level shooter's target.  With a Marksman, you have to examine, record and add up every shot.  Not to mention trying to sort out a 9 shot target; is there a double, or did they miss?  For a Master, you count the few shots that aren't X's, subtract a couple points for the 9's, and you are done. 
Understood and well written. One last post on this subject and I'll shut up. JB used the term Marksmen Dawdlers and I used Slooow Scorers. The better term would have been Arrogant Scorer. It was not a math or entry problem to the scorecard. Although marksmen, these guys were not newbies.

One would take his time going to the target to score. They would appear to philosophized their targets and couldn't care about everyone else. When eventually done, they would slowly stroll back to the line, always being the last ones. To top it off, when approaching the bench to shoot the next target, one would hold everyone up by loading his magazines when just about everyone else would have done this already after finishing the previous course of fire. After 27 times during a 2700 match, this gets very old. Arrogant Scorer!
I know this guy. He’s also always holding up the line with weird arm stretches and he refuses to use a net (which he calls “Sharpshooter nets”), so he spends like 5 minutes after every target picking up brass.

Brian Mason

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Viral Olympic Shooter - Page 4 Empty Re: Viral Olympic Shooter

Post by WesG 8/18/2024, 12:28 pm

Dcforman wrote:
john bickar wrote:
chiz1180 wrote:
Six staples? I thought four was the way. 

Six is the way, young Padawan.

1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00, 11:00.

Search your true feelings and you will discover that I am right.

With optional staples at 12 and 6 if you can't find a flat target at Perry...

 And fold the corners under to double the thickness if its windy. Especially important with the lighter weight targets.

How many times have we waited for a target repair before we even shoot?


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Viral Olympic Shooter - Page 4 Empty Re: Viral Olympic Shooter

Post by john bickar 8/18/2024, 10:34 pm

Brian Mason wrote:
I know this guy. He’s also always holding up the line with weird arm stretches and he refuses to use a net (which he calls “Sharpshooter nets”), so he spends like 5 minutes after every target picking up brass.

Don't you have some blue plaid shirts to go iron?
john bickar
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Viral Olympic Shooter - Page 4 Empty Re: Viral Olympic Shooter

Post by RoyDean 8/18/2024, 11:11 pm

We have a Master shooter here in Oregon (who I must not name) who has calculated how many staples it takes to hit four corners of nine targets and knows exactly when to refill his stapler (and he paints the last ten as a reminder!). But he is definitely not a slow scorer/repairer or walker, so all good, Chris! Keep up the good work. My personal challenge at Canton is to get back to the firing line second only to Sanderson who leaps, like a gazelle, over the 25yd line. Hippo's like me are at a disadvantage! Guess that is one reason I never made the Olympics😂🤣😂🤣


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Viral Olympic Shooter - Page 4 Empty Re: Viral Olympic Shooter

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