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NY Postal 2700 is open. August-September

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NY Postal 2700 is open. August-September  Empty NY Postal 2700 is open. August-September

Post by bruce martindale 8/12/2024, 12:01 pm

To augment the few (3) existing venues for the NYS Championship, l am also running a postal 2700 match for NY residents.

It’s all at 25 yards, with NO requirement for turning targets. B16 for SF.

22 Only and 3 gun options are available. $5/900 and you can space out the 3 900s

Many clubs already run 3 NMC heats. This event is not only for Long Island but all upstate clubs. Please pm or email me for more information.

This funds the NY team and will be promoted in the state newsletter.

Not sanctioned, approved or registered, no awards other than recognition. 

The idea is to get participation at more ranges and with new athletes. We all started somewhere, please help our sport grow.

Please consider running one of the events. Remember without farm teams, there’s no majors

How about running one of these in your state to boost membership?

Thanks in advance

bruce martindale

Posts : 1814
Join date : 2011-07-29
Location : Upstate NY


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