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22LR Velocity as shot from a pistol.

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22LR Velocity as shot from a pistol. Empty 22LR Velocity as shot from a pistol.

Post by Wobbley 8/19/2024, 12:26 am

This morning at the range I chronographed a variety of 22 LR ammunition from a variety of makes and quality levels.  

The Chronograph was a Garmin Xero.  The pistol used was my S&W 41 with a Clark 5.5 inch barrel.  Ten rounds were chronographed for each anmmunition. Each ammunition type was loaded from magazines.  All ammunition functioned flawlessly except the Magtech had 2 FTFire.   My pistol has a Matchdot Ultradot on it for sights but no specific accuracy trends were found.  The best target (by far) was shot with Norma TAC 22 Subsonic.  The Norma TAC 22 easily shot into the X ring at 25.  The others did not.  

Here is a PDF of the summary page.  The “Power Factor” number is an artifact of the data created by the chronograph.
22LR Velocity as shot from a pistol. Attachment
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22LR Velocity as shot from a pistol. Empty Re: 22LR Velocity as shot from a pistol.

Post by DA/SA 8/19/2024, 6:42 am

Wobbley wrote: The Norma TAC 22 easily shot into the X ring at 25.  The others did not.  
I realize that the post was about velocity, but...
Seems odd for .22 at 25 yards. Normally thumbnail size groups. What size was the X ring?

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22LR Velocity as shot from a pistol. Empty Re: 22LR Velocity as shot from a pistol.

Post by Wobbley 8/19/2024, 10:53 am

Standard Pistol B8.   I wasn’t and neither my pistol were shooting well yesterday.  I was hoping to have target pictures to show, but there was nothing to see worthwhile.  It’s been a while since I cleaned the pistol abandoned I’m hoping that that contributed to the poor performance.

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