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Heresy question

james r chapman
L. Boscoe
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Heresy question Empty Heresy question

Post by L. Boscoe 8/26/2024, 12:32 pm

I have so much trouble shooting good groups one handed, that I amuse myself by shooting two handed.
Too old and creaky to compete, it is my fall back option.
I notice when shooting 45, if I hold too tight, my dot wobbles like crazy.  I hold my breath and have a pretty relaxed grip (2 hands) and tear hell out of the 10 ring on my 50ft targets. I have yet to try this one handed, because I have too much wobble.
Am I developing a bad habit that will trip me up later?  I have no problem holding a 10# barbell at arms length for more than 30 sec, so strength is not the issue, IMHO.

L. Boscoe

Posts : 245
Join date : 2022-08-07
Age : 87

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Heresy question Empty Re: Heresy question

Post by james r chapman 8/26/2024, 12:45 pm

Try not more 10-15 sec per shot.
I seem to remember Jim “Hendo” Henderson saying “Hold it like holding a small child’s hand”.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Heresy question Empty Re: Heresy question

Post by John Dervis 8/26/2024, 12:55 pm

I tend to hold pretty hard and for the most part it’s worked for me over the years.  This past weekend I found myself gripping too hard and it gave me some really poor results.  Slow fire wasn’t as bad but my sustained fire was awful.  I could tell my grip was pretty tight but trying to persuade myself to lighten it up didnt happen so my score was pretty bad.  If you can train yourself to not squeeze the oil out of the gun, i think you’ll find that to be helpful.

Good luck.

John Dervis

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Heresy question Empty Re: Heresy question

Post by L. Boscoe 8/26/2024, 1:13 pm

Thanks guys- I always fire within 5-10 sec, with shorter being better if I don't 'snatch" the shot.

L. Boscoe

Posts : 245
Join date : 2022-08-07
Age : 87

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Heresy question Empty Re: Heresy question

Post by james r chapman 8/26/2024, 1:14 pm

Actually, Hendo might have said like a child at Niagra Falls!”
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Heresy question Empty Re: Heresy question

Post by Scota4570 9/3/2024, 12:41 pm

I increased my scores about 5% by doing Pilates twice a week for a year.  Pilates, sounds silly and easy.  It is not.   The trainer accesses muscles that you do not use, or even knew existed.  They are fine core muscles associated with balance and coordination.  They also work on flexibility and symmetry.  IF you do it with dedication you will also build muscle and increase coordination.  IN a year, my biceps have increased and inch.  My back and abdomen are well toned. My legs are toned as when I was much younger.   

I used to think one handed shooting could never be as accurate at two handed with the Weaver stance.  I now shoot about as well either way.   The trade off is better ability to align the iron sights one handed vs slightly more steady two handed.   

Regardless of a guy's age, appropriate physical training will help scores and general health.


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Heresy question Empty Re: Heresy question

Post by LenV 9/3/2024, 1:51 pm

I think the oldest answer might be the simplest/best answer. When gripping a 45 tighten your grip until you start to shake. Then back off until you stop. As age and decrepitude slowly creep up that point will change for everyone. I haven't reached the point of not being able to hold hard yet. But it will happen someday. When the day comes I can't hold it with one hand I will hold it with two.


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Heresy question Empty Re: Heresy question

Post by BE Mike 9/4/2024, 8:32 am

When I was much younger, I would grip like Bill Blankenship (very hard) it worked for me for many years, but, like you, I now can't hold that hard and get a lot of shake. That and a shoulder injury caused me to retire from bullseye pistol shooting. Sometimes I can hold a lot better, but it doesn't last long. I don't have the endurance to shoot even a NMC. Maybe the suggestion for Pilates or some other exercises might help. Strengthening the grip won't hurt. It's hard to have really good trigger control when you are shaking like a leaf in a storm, but if you can just keep focused on the front sight or dot (some dot shooters focus on the target with good results) you can keep a lot of the shots in the black. I can still wow the run of the mill shooters at the range, out to 25 yds., when shooting two-handed, but I would be a huge joke at a bullseye pistol match these days. "Gettin' old ain't for sissies".
BE Mike
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Heresy question Empty Re: Heresy question

Post by L. Boscoe 9/4/2024, 12:24 pm

You are right, Mike- I am probably much better shot that 90% of
the folks at the range, but they are not serious bullseye folks.
I do weights, push ups and various floor exercises, plus ride an exercise bicycle.  Soon to be 88, so stay tuned.

L. Boscoe

Posts : 245
Join date : 2022-08-07
Age : 87

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