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How easy to adjust M41 trigger pull?

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How easy to adjust M41 trigger pull? Empty How easy to adjust M41 trigger pull?

Post by Dr.Bill 8/30/2024, 6:35 pm

How easy is it for someone to adjust the trigger pull weight on a S&W Model 41?
I checked mine today and it won't quite pick up a 2# weight.

Any user-adjustable components?

Also, any way to make the thumb safety harder to engage. My fat paw keeps moving it just enough to cause issues.

Thanks for any suggestions!!


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How easy to adjust M41 trigger pull? Empty Re: How easy to adjust M41 trigger pull?

Post by shanneba 8/30/2024, 7:10 pm

This should help with the trigger adjustment-

Model 41 maintenance (guntalk-online.com)


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How easy to adjust M41 trigger pull? Empty Re: How easy to adjust M41 trigger pull?

Post by bruce martindale 8/31/2024, 6:31 pm

The steps after that are tricky... removing the coil spring on the trigger return, unwinding it to add tension and then getting it back in. Requires a dummy pin and some patience.

bruce martindale

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