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A shout out for enablers

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A shout out for enablers Empty A shout out for enablers

Post by WesG 9/5/2024, 8:25 pm

Back in the Bay Area helping with the estate sale at my parent's house. Word comes out about a work day to get the range set up for the 2700 on Labor Day. Ping the match director about helping out, mainly to get out of an empty house for awhile, and see some people I've known for while... some for a long time shooting HP.

'No way I'm picking you up for just a work day, you have to shoot too'.

Monday AM ... I'm handed a pistol box that was recently used at Perry, and a can of ammo. Pistol box contains a really sweet 208, and a beautiful Salyer 45.

Considering I haven't put a live rd downrange in over 2 years, I think I did ok. Nowhere near the capability of the hardware ...

Wore me out, took a couple days to recover, but I had a blast.

There are good people in this world. There are great people in this world. And then, there are people like Mr John Bickar ...

Thank you again, sir ... and I hope I haven't damaged your chosen online reputation too much ...


Posts : 731
Join date : 2018-09-21
Location : Cedar Park, TX - N CA

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