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Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911?

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Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911? Empty Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911?

Post by Dr.Bill 9/9/2024, 6:59 pm

Due to an old elbow injury, it is uncomfortable to use a Pardini SP with the stock grips. I cannot fully extend the elbow and that somewhat limits the ulnar deviation of my wrist.

Does anyone make a Pardini SP grip with a grip angle similar to a M41, 1911, or 208s?

I'm not sure if Rink does. I have seen Dick Horton mentioned, is he still making them?

Thanks for any suggestions!


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Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911? Empty Re: Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911?

Post by RoyDean 9/9/2024, 7:26 pm


Roughly what size hand are you? If medium, I have several used, but very good Rink MRB0u (Medium, Right, Normal, zero offset, upright) grips that I no longer use. They are not quite 1911 angle, but not far short. If you want to try one I can mail it to you, then we can talk, if it does not suit you mail it back and cover postage both ways.

I have both Bullseye upswept and ISSF flat palm shelves.

PM me your address if interested.


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Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911? Empty Re: Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911?

Post by Termite 9/9/2024, 8:35 pm

Dick Horton does excellent work and reasonable. He made one for my 1911 and fits like a glove


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Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911? Empty Re: Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911?

Post by Tallthinliar 9/9/2024, 9:19 pm

Andrew has made grips for me. Will remake them if you don’t like them



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Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911? Empty Re: Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911?

Post by gwhite 9/10/2024, 7:52 am

The steep angle on the factory grips hurt my elbow.  Check out:  https://www.targettalk.org/viewtopic.php?p=97303#p97303

I eventually ended up using a Nill Griffe grip, with additional shims at the top rear.  Andrew Berryhill can do much better for you in terms of matching the 1911 angle.


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Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911? Empty Re: Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911?

Post by truthislife13 9/10/2024, 10:38 am

I put garden hose washers as shims in my factory grip, which took care of the problem.


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Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911? Empty Re: Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911?

Post by NukeMMC 9/10/2024, 10:54 am

Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911? 20221013

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Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911? Empty Re: Grip for Pardini SP with grip angle similar to 1911?

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