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Best 22 Short ammo

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Best 22 Short ammo Empty Best 22 Short ammo

Post by rodnak 2/21/2014, 12:02 am

I have a High Standard Olympic in 22 Short. What is the consensus of what the "best" 22 Short ammo is? And is it hardier or easier to obtain compared to 22LR?



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Best 22 Short ammo Empty Re: Best 22 Short ammo

Post by dronning 2/21/2014, 12:34 am

22short ammo in general was hard to find before the shortage.  The 22short was banned from ISSF rapid fire in 2005, and many(most) match ammo mfg. quit making it, does anyone still make 22short match ammo?

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Best 22 Short ammo Empty Re: Best 22 Short ammo

Post by rodnak 2/21/2014, 8:32 am

That would explain why I can't find anything Dronning! Thanks

Luckily this came with two 22LR barrels and was worked over by the late F. Bob Chow. A greatly respected gunsmith out here on the West Coast.

I'll just keep the 22 Short parts in the safe...


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Best 22 Short ammo Empty Re: Best 22 Short ammo

Post by desben 2/21/2014, 9:02 am

CCI makes Short and I see a lot of (Canadian) online store have it. I also bought ammo last night and the store had a lot of CCI Short in stock. They were out of CCI 22LR but had Winchester. Not many people buy short, and I think it would be easier to find than LR.

My experience has been that short and WMR are easier to find than LR.

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Best 22 Short ammo Empty Re: Best 22 Short ammo

Post by john bickar 2/21/2014, 9:12 am

Eley .22 short Rapid Fire Match was my preferred brand when rapid fire was .22 short. It was the most accurate in my OSPs.

RWS R25 was preferred by many. Softer recoil impulse than Eley, but I never could find a lot that was as accurate as my match lot of Eley.

Fiocchi makes (or made?) .22 short; some was good but we got a case or so that was good only for ball-and-dummy training.

CCI .22 short is hotter and less accurate than any of the above. I burned up 10s of thousands of rounds of it in training.
john bickar
john bickar

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Best 22 Short ammo Empty Re: Best 22 Short ammo

Post by rodnak 2/22/2014, 1:07 am

Thank you Desben and John!


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Best 22 Short ammo Empty Re: Best 22 Short ammo

Post by dronning 2/22/2014, 7:13 am

dronning wrote:...... does anyone still make 22short match ammo?

I was curious about my own question so I checked the corporate websites to see if the major mfg. still listed 22short ammo.

Eley - none listed
Fiocchi - none listed
Laupa/SK - none listed
Wolf - none listed
RWS - yes (not match grade, listed as "Field Line" good for training??)
CCI - yes (Short Target and Short HV)
Remington - none listed
Winchester - yes (Super X, hot load)

Several cases of Eley Rapid Fire Match popped up on auction sites  $600-800, so it can be found.

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Best 22 Short ammo Empty Re: Best 22 Short ammo

Post by rodnak 2/22/2014, 4:28 pm

Thanks Dronning! Great research. This brings up an interesting question. How do you all feel about buying ammo from non-firearms websites? I just feel more secure buying from Champion Choice or Champion Shooters Supply. 

Are there online auction sites that are firearms specific? Or ones that you all feel secure about going through?


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Best 22 Short ammo Empty Re: Best 22 Short ammo

Post by sixftunda 2/22/2014, 5:41 pm

I have bought ammo from Gunbroker when I have been really desperate. Not had a problem.

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