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Range box ideas for Scoped Pardini's

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Range box ideas for Scoped Pardini's Empty Range box ideas for Scoped Pardini's

Post by XXXXXXXXXX 9/14/2024, 6:57 am

I have a Strong 3 pistol range box, but find it doesn't hold the Pardini's very well. 

So I'm starting to seek alternatives.  I'm mostly shooting indoor league matches now with both Pardini SP and HP.32acp guns.   I want the box to be able to hold the spotting scope, etc.  Looking for something light that can do 2 guns plus ammo, and the scope, etc.

I was thinking something like those camera boxes that Masaki used to use.

Open to all ideas and suggestions.

Thanks in advance,


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Age : 52
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Range box ideas for Scoped Pardini's Empty Re: Range box ideas for Scoped Pardini's

Post by CrankyThunder 9/14/2024, 8:18 am


If that strong box is a Tnb box, you can remove the tray and reposition the ears that hold the gun.   I did that to accommodate my Pardini!

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Range box ideas for Scoped Pardini's Empty Re: Range box ideas for Scoped Pardini's

Post by XXXXXXXXXX 9/14/2024, 2:30 pm

Thank you i had no idea i could move the fingers.
Range box ideas for Scoped Pardini's Img_4810


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Range box ideas for Scoped Pardini's Empty Re: Range box ideas for Scoped Pardini's

Post by troystaten 9/16/2024, 1:55 pm

I have a strong box and I ended up removing the clamps that hold the pistols and just put the pistols in rugs inside of the box.  I did not have a problem with my 1911 with a read dot but I have had the whole box tip over in my car and like the idea of a little extra protection for the pistols.


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