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S&W Model 41

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S&W Model 41 Empty S&W Model 41

Post by NickEDobos Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:44 pm

Hi all! I'm new to the forum Excuse me if I'm not following the correct protocol. Here is my issue:

I have a S&W Model 41 22 cal target pistol, 71/2 barrel.  I purchased it new in the late 60's.  The gun shoots well with quality ammunition and does not have an ejection issue (smokestack).  The slide never fails to lock open when the last round is fired. However, over the years  an issue with the slide has developed. Namely, if the slide is closed, and the hammer is down, you need to be Godzilla or Superman to push the slide back to the open position. I carry a wooden dowel to put against the slide edge and push it back so it is open.

If I look at the numerous videos concerning Model 41's, the presenters seem to easily open the slides even with the hammer down.  So I am assuming this is not normal operation. I have field stripped the gun and cleaned/oiled with Kroil as recommended but the problem persists. Can more experienced members suggest someone who could take a look at it or should I contact S&W directly?

I did send an inquiry to Clark Guns in LA but never heard back from them so I assume they don't deal with Model 41 issues.  

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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Join date : 2024-09-14

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S&W Model 41 Empty Re: S&W Model 41

Post by gwhite Sat Sep 14, 2024 3:37 pm

It shouldn't be anywhere near that hard to open.  

I'd start by removing the recoil spring to get that out of the equation.  It sounds like something has gotten deformed over time and is rubbing where it shouldn't.  The quickest way to figure out where is to clean everything thoroughly of any oil, and then coat all of the shiny/worn areas with a black marker.  Reassemble, and then work the slide by hand a few times.  Take it apart and look for the places the marker has rubbed off.  

You can also try wiggling the slide to see if that affects how hard it is to open.  That may provide a clue.  If the slide cycles easily when the barrel is off, look for contact between the slide & the barrel.  The most likely area is around the breech/slide face. My best guess is that the face of the slide, the "bolt", or the barrel breech face have gotten peened by lots of firing, and metal has been pushed around so it's binding someplace.

Also, Kroil is a penetrating oil, not a good gun lubricant.  Try any of the CLP's on the market.  My current favorite is FP-10.

Good luck!


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S&W Model 41 Empty Re: S&W Model 41

Post by tomd999 Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:32 pm


As has been said, "it shouldn't be that hard" that you need a piece of wood to assist in retracting the slide. Couple things to check on the pistol and one thing to check on you. 

The gun first: In the 41 there are 2 pivots on the hammer, the hammer pin and the stirrup pin, and 2 sliding surfaces, the stirrup shaft/main spring and the stirrup end to main spring retainer. These have to be clean, free of debris and lightly oiled to provide smooth functioning and not excessive resistance to cocking the hammer. If these are dirty, have been "run dry" or if the pistol sat unused for a long enough time, the surfaces can oxidize or score and create resistance to the hammer being cocked. I suggest you find a local gunsmith you trust and have them take a look, do a detailed cleaning, inspection and reassembly of the pistol. 

Now for you, as you purchased this in the late '60's, I'm guessing you're at least in your 70's. One problem people over 55 sometimes develop is arthritis in the thumb joint closest to the wrist. Where this causes issues for shooters is "pinching grip" weakness with pain when pushing down with the thumb or pressing something between the thumb and finger, just like when you load 45 mags or grip the slide to retract it. I have several older shooters on my team, myself included, that have difficulty retracting slides at times. If you have pain when pinching, grasping and turning with your thumbs, you may want to also ask your Dr to X-ray your thumb joints and see if you're showing signs of aging. The limited range of motion and pain associated with thumb arthritis can make it seem like the slide has a lot of resistance to opening, when in fact, it might not.

My two cents,


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S&W Model 41 Empty Re: S&W Model 41

Post by Outthere Sun Sep 15, 2024 10:46 pm

Some abrasive tape on the slide may help.

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S&W Model 41 Empty Re: S&W Model 41

Post by NickEDobos Tue Sep 17, 2024 1:55 pm

Thanks for all the good advice. I recently bought a VQ extractor which required  some disassembly so I disassembled the hammer mechanism as well and buffed up the slide sides with some crocus cloth. The hammer pin was quite worn so I got a new one from a local gs shop and replaced it, cleaned and oiled.  It Now works with a reasonable force. I lift weights so hand and arm strength are not an issue.


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