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Exercise suggestions after a ruptured bicep repair

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Exercise suggestions after a ruptured bicep repair Empty Exercise suggestions after a ruptured bicep repair

Post by TodG 9/20/2024, 6:49 pm

Greetings all.

Long time lurker getting back into bullseye after a long absence.  Unfortunately I suffered a bicep tendon detachment (rupture) in my right arm several years ago.  I'm having issues maintaining a steady arm when shooting and am looking for suggested exercises to improve my arm stability for shooting.  My physical therapist is not a gun person and was extremely unhelpful.  If anyone can suggest exercises, or other helpful material I would be in their debt.

Thanks, Tod


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Join date : 2020-09-14
Age : 61
Location : Helena MT

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Exercise suggestions after a ruptured bicep repair Empty Re: Exercise suggestions after a ruptured bicep repair

Post by impalanut 9/20/2024, 7:51 pm

Was it ruptured at the elbow or the shoulder? Was it surgically repaired?
This would make a difference on the appropriate exerciese.


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Join date : 2019-08-25

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Exercise suggestions after a ruptured bicep repair Empty Re: Exercise suggestions after a ruptured bicep repair

Post by bruce martindale 9/21/2024, 9:29 am

I had tendonitis years ago and more recently rotator cuff tears. Gentle stretches for warm up. Swimming, don’t overdo it . 

My chiropractor also helped me with muscle impingement.


bruce martindale

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Exercise suggestions after a ruptured bicep repair Empty Re: Exercise suggestions after a ruptured bicep repair

Post by TodG 9/21/2024, 9:54 am

impalanut wrote:Was it ruptured at the elbow or the shoulder? Was it surgically repaired?
This would make a difference on the appropriate exerciese.
It was reattached at the elbow (forearm) surgically.  Thanks!


Posts : 4
Join date : 2020-09-14
Age : 61
Location : Helena MT

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