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Deleted, my mistake

james r chapman
scrum derringer
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Deleted, my mistake Empty Deleted, my mistake

Post by KenO 2/23/2014, 11:45 am

Sorry, I made a mistake, and should not have asked or posted. I will go away.

Last edited by KenO on 2/23/2014, 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Deleted, my mistake Empty Re: Deleted, my mistake

Post by scrum derringer 2/23/2014, 12:00 pm

the range command is, "with 5 rounds...load."
scrum derringer
scrum derringer

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Deleted, my mistake Empty Re: Deleted, my mistake

Post by SMBeyer 2/23/2014, 12:06 pm

Loading six rounds is against the rules.

The Range Officer having made sure that the range is clear (in timed and rapid fire the targets must be turned out of firing position) then commands "WITH 5 ROUNDS LOAD."

You can do this:

In the event of a malfunction the competitor may complete the string by manually cocking the pistol, operating the slide or loading additional rounds, provided that the pistol is handled safely and remains pointed down range at all times.

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Deleted, my mistake Empty Re: Deleted, my mistake

Post by james r chapman 2/23/2014, 12:53 pm

Not following the RANGE OFFICERS voice commands will result in your being removed from the event.....

I've never met one that would have an understanding demeanor in such a situation..

Just sayin'....   affraid
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Deleted, my mistake Empty Re: Deleted, my mistake

Post by Guest 2/23/2014, 3:01 pm

KenO wrote:Sorry, I made a mistake, and should not have asked or posted. I will go away.
Do not feel bad.  There are no dumb questions.  Now you know.  Keep asking questions.



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Deleted, my mistake Empty Re: Deleted, my mistake

Post by james r chapman 2/23/2014, 3:09 pm

No, it was a good question.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Post by sixftunda 2/23/2014, 3:14 pm

Last weekend at the Zins-Moody Clinic they talked about loading sequence in slow fire.  Brian will load five, shoot four rounds and switch mags with the fifth round in the chamber to reduce movement and chance of messing up his grip.  He even suggested loading 2 in one and 8 in the second.

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Post by SMBeyer 2/23/2014, 3:35 pm

It's not a dumb question and at the time it worked for you.  It is however against the rules.  But you can have an extra mag loaded with one round ready to go close by for those occasions.


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Deleted, my mistake Empty Re: Deleted, my mistake

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 2/23/2014, 7:34 pm

KenO wrote:Sorry, I made a mistake, and should not have asked or posted. I will go away.

It's only a mistake.....one of many we all make.
No question gets answered until it's asked and no one should be worried about asking.

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Deleted, my mistake Empty Re: Deleted, my mistake

Post by Rob Kovach 2/23/2014, 9:23 pm

Even though you can only load 5 at the time of the command to load, once the first shot is fired you can drop that mag, clear the weapon any safe way that you wish, then slam in a full magazine with as many rounds in it that you wish as long as you only FIRE 5 during that course of fire. (or 10 total in slow fire)
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Post by james r chapman 2/23/2014, 9:45 pm

I'm not buying that idea...
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Post by STEVE SAMELAK 2/23/2014, 10:04 pm

Rob Kovach wrote:Even though you can only load 5 at the time of the command to load, once the first shot is fired you can drop that mag, clear the weapon any safe way that you wish, then slam in a full magazine with as many rounds in it that you wish as long as you only FIRE 5 during that course of fire. (or 10 total in slow fire)

I might consider this in time fire since I usually have at least 5 sec left, but the off hand is going out if something happens in rapid

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Post by Rob Kovach 2/23/2014, 10:24 pm

I pointed it out because it isn't well known that shooters can do that.  If you have already used your alibi for that match, doing a mag change and re-racking might get it done on time.
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Deleted, my mistake Empty Re: Deleted, my mistake

Post by Jack H 2/24/2014, 1:26 am

SMBeyer wrote:Loading six rounds is against the rules.

The Range Officer having made sure that the range is clear (in timed and rapid fire the targets must be turned out of firing position) then commands "WITH 5 ROUNDS LOAD."

You can do this:

In the event of a malfunction the competitor may complete the string by manually cocking the pistol, operating the slide or loading additional rounds, provided that the pistol is handled safely and remains pointed down range at all times.

I might be the one who prompted the clarification on loading more rounds in 10.11. 

Prior to the change in 10.11, I actually did insert a third magazine after a stoppage during my rapid fire refire string.  This was several years ago at a gallery match where I was shooting my 208s.  A discussion was started on the old Bullseye-L and the comments were wildly divided yes you can and no you can't.  Anyway it happened to me a second time with the 208s.  Both times I did indeed get the shots off reasonably well.  The second time though I can not swear to the actual number of shots.  I might have actually shot too many.

Last edited by Jack H on 2/24/2014, 1:29 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add)
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Post by Rob Kovach 2/24/2014, 5:17 pm

If you didn't get caught and there are no extra holes, then you shot the correct number of shots!
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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Post by CR10X 2/24/2014, 6:00 pm

10.11 was established because of a discussion on the old list and my discussion with Dennis.  The rule was first throught to only apply to the refire string for Time and Rapid fire matches.  The reasoning is that on the refire string a competitor will be charged with all 5 rounds toward his total for the refire regardless of how many are actually fired.  Therefore, without the direction that the competitor can take additional, SAFE, action, there was confusion that a competitor would have to stop and cease firing for the alibi string.

Think about it.  If you have an alibi (sting 1 or sting 2), then you would want to stop and get the chance to refire to maximize the score.  If you touch the gun and do not get all the shots off, you may not get an alibi. If you already have an alibi on string 1, and a stoppage on string 2; then you would want to try and complete string 2 in any way possible since those 5 rounds are going to be charged to the competitor as well.  If you have a double alibi on the refire sting, you will want to chance to get all those shots off since those 5 will be charged to you for that string as well. 

In any event and for all timed and rapid fire strings, the magazine can only be loaded with 5 rounds. 7 (shots), 8.1 (shots), 10.7 (load command)
In any event, more than 10 shots can potentially lose you the highest scoring shot(s). 14.10
Willfully firing more than the required number of shots could get you removed from the match. 9.25



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