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9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper?

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9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper? Empty 9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper?

Post by brand-new 10/2/2024, 9:18 pm

Has anyone tried these projectiles, 


They're very inexpensive, depending on the count they run apx 5.7 cents a piece shipped.

The brief reviews on the seller's website (Raven's Rock Precision) are very favorable but i'm always a bit cautious. 

The reviewers note that these projectiles have very little recoil and are very accurate.

Money is tight and I would only want to use them for shooting nice tight little groups on paper but i don't want to be "penny wise and pound foolish".

Appreciate your thoughts and experience.


Posts : 208
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9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper? Empty Re: 9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper?

Post by S148 10/3/2024, 12:03 pm

I've shot some. I pushed them fast at 1500-1800 fps from a 5" Kart barrel. 10-shot group average was 2.0 inches at 25 yards.

So, accuracy was good (for a 10-shot) in my gun - but not amazing. I don't know how they would shoot at lower speed. The price is nice!


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9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper? Empty Re: 9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper?

Post by brand-new 10/3/2024, 2:10 pm

thank you, strongly considering trying them out


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9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper? Empty Re: 9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper?

Post by S148 10/3/2024, 3:11 pm

My gun won't win any matches with these bullets, but they did better than I thought they would.


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9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper? Empty Re: 9MM (.355") 65GR INCEPTOR ARX BULLETS....any experience with them? are they good and accurate for paper?

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