Cast Bullet 9mm Loads
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Cast Bullet 9mm Loads
Two headed post. There will be another in the equipment folder. My 9mm Springfield Range Officer arrived Friday. We'll be running some jacketed stuff through it this week. Assuming it shoots well we'll shoot a few hundred rounds of jacketed factory ammo through it for a baseline. Then we'll run some cast bullets through it. Unless it is absolutely exceptional it will then go out for a barrel fitting. We get the standard "Barsto won't Shoot cast" so I'm currently considering a Springfield match barrel or maybe a Kart. My questions are :
1. How good do your best 9mm handloads in your 1911s built for bullseye shoot?
2. Do you shoot cast bullets? If yes:
- What kind of barrels are you running?
1. How good do your best 9mm handloads in your 1911s built for bullseye shoot?
2. Do you shoot cast bullets? If yes:
- What kind of barrels are you running?
Axehandle- Posts : 880
Join date : 2013-09-17
Location : Alabama
Re: Cast Bullet 9mm Loads
Will the 9x19 ever be as accurate as .45? If so, it will probably take a lot of work.
Not a direct answer to your question, but I have found Montana Gold 115gn JHP and CMJ to be very accurate--particularly 4.8-5.0gn N330 and 5.3-5.5gn WSF.
Bayou Bullets 124gn L-RN has done well with an assortment of powders, but 3.2gn of Solo 1000 and 4.0gn of TiteGroup hve been about the best.
PD 124gn JHP has been outstanding with Silhouette, particularly 4.8gn.
The Hornady 124gn swaged lead has done well with 3.5gn and 3.8gn Bullseye.
Penn L-SWC 115gn and 2.6-3.5gn TiteGroup has done well on the 25 yd line.
I really don't like TiteGroup, but it has performed well as shown.
Not a direct answer to your question, but I have found Montana Gold 115gn JHP and CMJ to be very accurate--particularly 4.8-5.0gn N330 and 5.3-5.5gn WSF.
Bayou Bullets 124gn L-RN has done well with an assortment of powders, but 3.2gn of Solo 1000 and 4.0gn of TiteGroup hve been about the best.
PD 124gn JHP has been outstanding with Silhouette, particularly 4.8gn.
The Hornady 124gn swaged lead has done well with 3.5gn and 3.8gn Bullseye.
Penn L-SWC 115gn and 2.6-3.5gn TiteGroup has done well on the 25 yd line.
I really don't like TiteGroup, but it has performed well as shown.
noylj- Posts : 438
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9mm can be very accurate
This is a topic that I am passionate about. I have been working up loads for the last 3 years for my 952-2 and really struggled finding an accurate load and at the same time have enough umph to cycle with a slide mounted ulta-dot. I have finally settled on 3 loads that are very accurate and do the job.1. 5.1 gr of PP behind a Hornady 147gr bullet.Both the xtp and round nose have a boat tail design and work very well. 2. 6.4 gr of PP behind a 115gr HAP.The base of this bullet is very well formed and the hot load lets the pistol function. 3. 5.1 gr of PP behind a 124gr cast L-RN. I get my cast from T&B in SweetHome OR. they are very uniform. This load is very accurate but doesn't cycle 100% of the time. At 59.00 a 1000 it makes a great practice load.You may have noticed that I lean towards Power Pistol. When I run out of it I will have to work up another load.But that's half the fun...
LenV- Posts : 4804
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Re: Cast Bullet 9mm Loads
I have only been at this for a couple of years but what I found is that my 9 shoots best when sized .357.
I am casting a 115g SWC (saeco mold) and using 2.9g of Bullseye. It will hold the 10 ring at 50' from the bench. What I like most about this load is that it shoots flat out to 50 yards so I don't have to adjust the sights for the long line. I use a frame mounted optic but still had to lighten up the recoil spring.
I am casting a 115g SWC (saeco mold) and using 2.9g of Bullseye. It will hold the 10 ring at 50' from the bench. What I like most about this load is that it shoots flat out to 50 yards so I don't have to adjust the sights for the long line. I use a frame mounted optic but still had to lighten up the recoil spring.
Eages- Posts : 21
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Location : Madiganastan
Re: Cast Bullet 9mm Loads
I thought I would mention the barrel on the RO. I have an RO .45 and it has a very good barrel and fit. I sand bagged it and it will hold the 10 ring with most of them in the x at 25 yds.If the 9 is the same quality you won't have to do any thing but shoot it.I am interested in the 9 as my next toy so please let folks know how they check out.
LenV- Posts : 4804
Join date : 2014-01-24
Age : 74
Location : Oregon
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