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essex frame

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essex frame Empty essex frame

Post by rcmp290 10/13/2024, 7:50 am

does anyone know if all uppers for the 1911 will fit on a essex frame? does colt,springfield etc....thanks rob


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essex frame Empty Re: essex frame

Post by Cmysix 10/13/2024, 9:23 am

Any will fit.  Where did you get that frame? I inherited one from my father. That had a Bob Day conversion on it. he bought the frame in 1978 for $45. I saw a gentleman on this forum was selling an Essex  6 inch slide and barrel, now I have a 6 inch Essex.  My father and I built a gun with a 1945 Remington Rand slide and a Fusion Fire arms(naples fl) frame, the fit is just amazing!

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