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Nelson Custom .22 Conversion

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Nelson Custom .22 Conversion Empty Nelson Custom .22 Conversion

Post by Jon Eulette Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:42 pm

Just shot Phoenix Desert Mid-Winters and had a chance to look at a Nelson Conversion. It looks very nice. I like the improvements over the older Marvel Precision units.

Spent some time in the last 2 days talking to Larry Nelson, owner of Nelson Custom Guns.

Found out many things. They use a barrel from McMillan, but not sure which maker???????????????? Chambers and muzzle crown is hand cut.

But still have questions.

They do not machine rest the units. HAS ANYONE ON THE BE LIST DONE THIS?

I'd really be interested in knowing results. I'm concerned about hand cut/turned muzzle. Cutting tool pressure will not be consistent because of the land and groove (especially at muzzle). Yes I realize that the Marvel Precision is done this way as well. They're getting feedback of less than 1" @ 50 yards. Clark Custom Guns is using the units and guaranteeing 1.6-1.9" groups. Not impressed with those numbers. My 'old' Marvel shoots 1/2-5/8" groups.

Feedback from the list would be appreciated. Don't want to purchase one without more data.

Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Nelson Custom .22 Conversion Empty Re: Nelson Custom .22 Conversion

Post by Rob Kovach Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:16 pm

I haven't tried the Nelson, but I've tested some advantage arms target version barrels.  1 of them just kept sending the bullets through 1 ragged hole at 50 yards....like sub 1/2"!!  That was with Eley sport.

the other barrels 1 tested were about the same as the Marvel--just shy of 1".
Rob Kovach
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Nelson Custom .22 Conversion Empty Re: Nelson Custom .22 Conversion

Post by Jack H Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:58 am

I will test two Nelson barrels in the near future. 

FYI I have the test numbers from a BoB Marvel Custom Pro II - Bob's unit #36 is .480. Ammo not listed.  BM Custom Pro II is a Nelson with Bob's magic touch.  So far, the two Nelson barrels are showing very good results. 

Also FYI Bob marvels Advantage Arms target test I have are
Custom Pro #10  .568 with Wolf (with one flyer away from a nearby  knot group that is between 1/4" and 5/16".

BoB Marvel AA barrels only
#012  .430 with Eley,  #006  .560 with Wolf

I had two early Marvel Precision units - just sold the second one into Kansas.  Those barrels test slips from MP were .4xx, and .6xx I do not recall exact.  Fact I still have one of the barrels (only the barrel).  It is from a very earliest MP unit and is available.  

And last, I never could duplicate the MP .4xx and .6xx results. 

And one more last thing.  I did Ransom an Advantage Arms regular barrel, the longer version.  It was just at +/-1" with Eley.  With less expensive ammo it did 1.5 type groups.  And with Greentag it it did 4-6" groups.  There was something wrong with the GT.
Jack H
Jack H

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Nelson Custom .22 Conversion Empty Re: Nelson Custom .22 Conversion

Post by BE Mike Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:38 am

Jack H wrote:I will test two Nelson barrels in the near future. 

FYI I have the test numbers from a BoB Marvel Custom Pro II - Bob's unit #36 is .480. Ammo not listed.  BM Custom Pro II is a Nelson with Bob's magic touch.  So far, the two Nelson barrels are showing very good results. 

Also FYI Bob marvels Advantage Arms target test I have are
Custom Pro #10  .568 with Wolf (with one flyer away from a nearby  knot group that is between 1/4" and 5/16".

BoB Marvel AA barrels only
#012  .430 with Eley,  #006  .560 with Wolf

I had two early Marvel Precision units - just sold the second one into Kansas.  Those barrels test slips from MP were .4xx, and .6xx I do not recall exact.  Fact I still have one of the barrels (only the barrel).  It is from a very earliest MP unit and is available.  

And last, I never could duplicate the MP .4xx and .6xx results. 

And one more last thing.  I did Ransom an Advantage Arms regular barrel, the longer version.  It was just at +/-1" with Eley.  With less expensive ammo it did 1.5 type groups.  And with Greentag it it did 4-6" groups.  There was something wrong with the GT.
Wow, all those groups, except with the Green Tag, were within the X ring! Have you ever done any testing with CCI Pistol Match?
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Nelson Custom .22 Conversion Empty Re: Nelson Custom .22 Conversion

Post by Jack H Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:22 am

No CCI PM.  What I use these days is one of CCI SV, Eley Sport purple, Aguila SV, or Eley Target yellow
Jack H
Jack H

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