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Small pistol primers - off brand - sale?

Russ OR
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Small pistol primers - off brand - sale? Empty Small pistol primers - off brand - sale?

Post by Russ OR 10/28/2024, 8:45 am


Russ OR

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Small pistol primers - off brand - sale? Empty Re: Small pistol primers - off brand - sale?

Post by 14S&W 10/28/2024, 9:03 am

I tried a few of those and they were okay but I didn’t buy any more.  I have seen Fiochhi primers for a slightly better price than Federal or CCI but I don’t know anyone that’s used them.  I’m hoping that in a few weeks we will see primer prices come down a bit.


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Small pistol primers - off brand - sale? Empty Re: Small pistol primers - off brand - sale?

Post by RodJ 10/28/2024, 6:38 pm

14S&W wrote:I tried a few of those and they were okay but I didn’t buy any more.  I have seen Fiochhi primers for a slightly better price than Federal or CCI but I don’t know anyone that’s used them.  I’m hoping that in a few weeks we will see primer prices come down a bit.
From your lips to God's ears...

Pretty sure I read decent comments somewhere in this forum that they go bang.
Scratch that.

Last edited by RodJ on 10/29/2024, 9:05 am; edited 1 time in total


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Small pistol primers - off brand - sale? Empty Re: Small pistol primers - off brand - sale?

Post by DA/SA 10/28/2024, 7:52 pm

Only primers I have ever used that didn't reliably ignite in my 1911's or revolvers.

I have used Fiocchi, S & B Remington, Winchester, and a ton of CCI.

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Small pistol primers - off brand - sale? Empty Re: Small pistol primers - off brand - sale?

Post by tovaert 10/29/2024, 6:48 am

A new option:


Rumor has it you can also buy them direct from the manufacturer.


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Small pistol primers - off brand - sale? Empty Re: Small pistol primers - off brand - sale?

Post by 14S&W 10/29/2024, 7:54 am

Republic is interesting but i don’t know anyone that has tried them.  I do like having options to the major companies somewhat exuberant pricing of primers.  Or the complete lack of primers.


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Small pistol primers - off brand - sale? Empty Re: Small pistol primers - off brand - sale?

Post by BE Mike 10/29/2024, 8:00 am

I've loaded a few thousand of the Servicios Aventuras primers for 9mm. If I seat them using my Dillon 550, I get a lot of misfires. If I use my Hornady hand primer to seat them, I get close to 100% ignition. Kinda negates having a progressive. I wouldn't use them for matches. After I've used these 5,000, I won't be ordering more.
BE Mike
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Small pistol primers - off brand - sale? Empty Re: Small pistol primers - off brand - sale?

Post by L. Boscoe 10/29/2024, 10:35 am

Had no issues with them in 38spl wadcutters shot in my 52.

L. Boscoe

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Small pistol primers - off brand - sale? Empty Re: Small pistol primers - off brand - sale?

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