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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by bragrhmbln 11/15/2024, 1:03 pm


I was reading about using the 455 Webley and thought I might try my hand at it! However, I don't have a Webley, but I just traded into a lend lease 38 victory model. My questions:

1) I'm pretty hand with casting- what mold should I be looking at to duplicate the factory profile (they were all RN, yes)?
2) I'm reading the article from Handloader on loading for the 38-200. What other sources for load da should I be considering?

Thank youy!


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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by Wobbley 11/15/2024, 1:26 pm

Here’s a source of bullets


Here’s a source of ammo

For those that have a modified 455 Webley revolver the have a line of 45ACP  loadings that are pressure reduced to not over stress these older pistols.


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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by bragrhmbln 11/15/2024, 1:48 pm

thank you so much for the leed on the bullets to get me started. the 38 came with some old R-P cases that i will use to start.

do you cast bullets for this? i would like to, but other than looking around at all the mold makers and fleabay and whatnot, i'm at a loss for an old  model to use. my nieghbor has a few oddball molds and he is going to get back to me at church, but getting started is the fun part of casting and shooting for me.

thank you


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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by Scota4570 11/15/2024, 2:07 pm

This guy will make you anything you want.  They are excellent mounds.


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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by blackhawk44 11/15/2024, 9:10 pm

Bear Creek Bullets has the swaged long nosed bullets that you need, moly coated at good prices.


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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by bragrhmbln 11/17/2024, 12:13 pm

blackhawk44 wrote:Bear Creek Bullets has the swaged long nosed bullets that you need, moly coated at good prices.

thank you, another choice to look into.


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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by Jack H 11/17/2024, 2:09 pm

Is this 38-200 the same as 38 S&W (not Special)?
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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by Wobbley 11/17/2024, 5:13 pm

Yes.  The 38/200 was a Webley/Kynoch adaptation of the round that Webley was already producing the revolvers for police use.  The objective was an estimated one shot incapacitation without full penetration as tested on cadavers.  In the 1920s and 30s this load was carried by some US ammunition companies as the “38 Super Police”.  This was for some police agencies that carried 38 S&W revolvers.

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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by Jack H 11/17/2024, 5:42 pm

38-200=38 S&W
I thought so.  I have two S&W revolvers in 38 S&W.  One I think 100 years old.  The other a "South Africa" gun. I never shoot them.  When I have time I need to clean out the safe....

38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? IMG-0459
38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? SW-38-200-004
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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by bragrhmbln 11/20/2024, 4:28 am

they look good Jack!


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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

Post by S148 11/20/2024, 9:25 am

Wobbley wrote:Here’s a source of bullets


That specific link is for their loaded 38 S&W ammo. Matt's 38 S&W bullets are at this link:



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38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds? Empty Re: 38/200 or 38-200 Load Molds?

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