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Mark 7 press

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Mark 7 press Empty Mark 7 press

Post by SonOfSwede 11/22/2024, 2:19 pm

Does anyone have experience with the Mark 7 presses?

I know they are expensive.


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Join date : 2015-02-22

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Mark 7 press Empty Re: Mark 7 press

Post by Wobbley 11/22/2024, 3:45 pm

Generally speaking, they’re very good.  They were built to be autodriven   Or run manually.  Either way, how you approach a complex machine like these and instrument them will determine your success.  There’s a LOT going on evertime you pull the handle.  A case is fed in, sizing and decapping, priming, expanding and powder drop, powder check, bullet feed, bullet seating, then crimping.  That’s a lot of moving parts and places where they can go wrong.  Because of this, MOST people with autodriven machines run their ammo through them with multiple passes.  First is processing, second is priming, last is load and bullet seat.  Throughput is reduced but not by much.  If you do this three pass scheme, you can process at 2000+ per hr, prime at 2000, and then load at about 1000-1500.  If you try to run through in one pass either autodriven or manually you can make a lot of bad ammo in a hurry.

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Mark 7 press Empty Re: Mark 7 press

Post by SingleActionAndrew 11/22/2024, 4:50 pm

A buddy of mine has one that's been his primary press for a couple of years. He says removing the toolhead isn't fun, that primer jams require removing the toolhead, and that he gets a lot of primer jams. I haven't used it though, just anecdote

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