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In case you missed it. Empty In case you missed it.

Post by Multiracer 11/23/2024, 5:38 am



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In case you missed it. Empty Re: In case you missed it.

Post by mbmshooter 11/23/2024, 11:21 am

I had not seen this updated schedule but find it quite desirable.  We had all gotten used to ALL the NRA National Championships being at Camp Perry for many decades.  I loved that as did most other competitors.
However, there had been some push-back from folks who found that pilgrimage to Camp Perry too far and requested closer venues.  Maybe this new approach will be more satisfying for all.
Recall that the F-Class National Championships have been rotated among several locations for quite some time.  This helped the sponsoring clubs as well as shooters who may not have had to travel as far.  Hopefully, these changes by NRA will have a similar beneficial effect.
I applaud Cole McCulloch and the NRA Competitions staff for their insight in making these changes.



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In case you missed it. Empty Re: In case you missed it.

Post by james r chapman 11/23/2024, 2:33 pm

Yep. An hour closer.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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