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Very specific load for Model 52

BE Mike
bruce martindale
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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Very specific load for Model 52

Post by Texasref 11/25/2024, 8:13 am

Has anyone here loaded Accurate #5 under a 148 HBWC, and if so what were the results?

Thanks in advance.


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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Re: Very specific load for Model 52

Post by Wobbley 11/25/2024, 12:49 pm

Here is the data published by Hodgdon
Very specific load for Model 52 Img_0614I

I have NOT ever used No. 5 powder in 38 for the 52.  I’d start at 3.6 and likely load NO MORE than 3.8 for a 52.

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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Re: Very specific load for Model 52

Post by bruce martindale 11/25/2024, 1:29 pm

Note it’s for a solid wadcutter, not HBWC. I never know how far is up with that bullet. But based on equivalent factory velocity, I would venture a maximum of 3.6

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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Re: Very specific load for Model 52

Post by BE Mike 11/25/2024, 2:14 pm

That's quite a lot higher pressure and velocity than the usual load with Alliant Bullseye. Wouldn't Accurate #2 (which seems to be available) be a better choice? I wouldn't want to feed a S&W model 52 a steady diet of those Accurate #5 loads.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Re: Very specific load for Model 52

Post by fc60 11/25/2024, 6:55 pm


Another good argument for using a chronograph to develop loads.

Also note, the test barrel is 7.7" long.

M52 is about 5".

Yes, I would start with the minimum charge, chronograph, and evaluate.



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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Re: Very specific load for Model 52

Post by WesG 11/26/2024, 7:32 pm

Note ... 148 gr of lead is a specific volume. Whether DE, or HB, the volume in the case is the same ... powder charge and pressure should be the same as well...

Assuming the HB doesn't increase pressure ... and I'd bet a fair bit it does not.


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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Re: Very specific load for Model 52

Post by Texasref 11/27/2024, 7:09 am

Thanks for the replies.
The Lee manual states 3.6 as a starting point. I was thinking that would be a good jumping off place. I might be able to go a little lower, possibly down to 3.3. 
We'll see.

Thanks again


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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Re: Very specific load for Model 52

Post by Kp321 11/27/2024, 9:12 am

No. 5 is a fairly slow powder to be used for 38 target loads. I would be very cautious when reducing charges. You might get inconsistent ignition and /or stick a bullet in the barrel. M52’s run best with faster powders such as Bullseye and 231/HP-38.


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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Re: Very specific load for Model 52

Post by Wobbley 11/27/2024, 11:14 am

I ran a Colt MR (38 Spec) with 3.5 Unique behind a Speer HBWC.  Worked fine.

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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Re: Very specific load for Model 52

Post by Texasref 11/27/2024, 4:11 pm

I do use #5 in my revolvers, 5.0 gns under a 158 coated SWC.
4.25" barrel and a 3" barrel. Losing a lot of pressure in the jump to the forcing cone. But this is a very accurate round.

I have some HP38 but not much if #5 proves to be less than reliable.


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Very specific load for Model 52 Empty Re: Very specific load for Model 52

Post by tomd999 11/28/2024, 8:53 pm


I tried both AA #2 & #5 in the 52’s w/148 solid and HBWC’s. The gun cycled well and was as accurate as it was with other powders however, the 52 does not get along with either powder at the light loadings needed for it to function without beating it to death. 

The issue is that at the needed velocity for the 52, neither powder burns completely and a lot of unburnt powder spheres fall into the trigger area as the gun cycles. The 52 has the forward trigger travel stop open to the mag well where it’s exposed to firing debris. The stop is basically a large flat head screw that the trigger shelf hits but because it’s a large flat surface, it loves to collect stuff on it. When the unburnt powder collects enough, your trigger may not reset during a string. Normally people just call an alibis not realizing the gun does not reset the trigger, they load for the next string, and get another failure and that match is done from the double alibis. The 52 is a work of precision, it does not play well with debris.

The powders run well but be warned, you may get snared by a single piece of unburnt powder if you set a short, low travel trigger reset with little if any free travel like I do.  

FYI, Win 244 also shows this unburnt particle tendency at light WC loadings, however, TG, BE, Win 231 and WST burn well enough to not have unburnt particles clog things up.

My 2 cents,


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