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Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting?

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Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting? - Page 2 Empty Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting?

Post by JHHolliday Fri Nov 29, 2024 5:40 pm

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I'm curious what, if any, gym work would help with bullseye shooting.  Part of this is whether some exercises could worsen hold, etc.  I've read that heavy muscle training is not recommended, but why would increased strength hurt shooting? (I've personally noticed my wobble is bad for about a day after a full work-out, but not sure what it does long term)

Here are some that come to mind (including ones I do):

1. Weight training to increase upper body strength and endurance (free weights, machines, etc)
2. Weight training to increase leg strength
3. Cables and other machines to strengthen core and abdominal muscles
4. Cardio to increase endurance
5. Stretching to increase flexibility
6. Exercises to improve balance (standing on one leg, standing on balance board or similar)

What are your thoughts and experiences?



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Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting? - Page 2 Empty Re: Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting?

Post by chiz1180 Thu Dec 19, 2024 11:28 am

mhayford45 wrote:I can definitely say from my own experience that weight training to increase strength does not help or improve my ability to group shots. It seems counterintuitive, but I have found it to be true. 

Weight training to maintain tone and fitness, medium weight with more reps, does not cause me to experience issues with grouping shots. 

I would and do take a few days off weight training before a important match to let the muscles normalize, repair and become fully "charged".
I like this description, perfectly sums up that how and what your gym training routine is matters.

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Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting? - Page 2 Empty Re: Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting?

Post by Ongentho Thu Dec 19, 2024 2:14 pm

mhayford45 wrote:I can definitely say from my own experience that weight training to increase strength does not help or improve my ability to group shots. It seems counterintuitive, but I have found it to be true. 

Weight training to maintain tone and fitness, medium weight with more reps, does not cause me to experience issues with grouping shots. 

I would and do take a few days off weight training before a important match to let the muscles normalize, repair and become fully "charged".

My own personal experience has actually been the opposite, and pursuing strength and mass in my shoulders has made a noticeable difference in the size of my area-of-hold. Over the last year I've watched my red dot "tremor" transition to a "wobble", then a gentle "weave."

I do strength training 5 days a week, but never do anything shoulder, chest, or tricep related the day before a match - that day is reserved for cardio and stretching. I spend a lot of time doing posterior deltoid and rotator cuff work : banded or pulley "face pulls", rear delt flys, and upright rows. I also do stability work on a balance ball as part of my leg day.


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Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting? - Page 2 Empty Re: Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting?

Post by targetbarb Thu Dec 19, 2024 2:46 pm

Ongentho, I agree.  As a small-framed woman strength training focused on rotator cuff strength, triceps and core has reduced my wobble considerably especially holding a 45 with red dot.  3.5 lbs might not sound like much but when it's on my skinny little arm it's freaking heavy.  After a workout I'm worthless for dry fire for around 4 hours.  Some afternoons after a morning workout my hold has been best ever, holding well within 9 ring.  Even so it would be folly to workout right before a match.  We're all constructed differently...


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Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting? - Page 2 Empty Re: Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting?

Post by RyanAdams28 Thu Dec 19, 2024 8:42 pm

Work out to be healthier in life, for yourself, your family, and those around you.  Bullseye shooting will fall into place.
But if you're looking for a workout specifically, its pretty easy.  Find the heaviest weights you can get ahold of, lift them up and put them down, do it again.  Start on the bench press with a cool 225# and go up in weight and reps from there.  Curl at least 90lbs in each arm, 1 pound for every X you want to shoot.  And to cool down, get ready for a short run ..... to the squat rack where picking up 500lbs is a good starting weight.  Hope this helps and after 6 months of this program, even if you're not the best shooter on the line, you will be the best looking one.  And remember, always so "no" to cardio!  Hold Hard!


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Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting? - Page 2 Empty Re: Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting?

Post by PhotoEscape Thu Dec 19, 2024 9:35 pm

RyanAdams28 wrote:  And to cool down, get ready for a short run ..... to the squat rack where picking up 500lbs is a good starting weight. 

Just make sure that your spotter can operate forklift, and that your gym has one readily available!


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Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting? - Page 2 Empty Re: Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting?

Post by L. Boscoe Fri Dec 20, 2024 1:53 pm

I just started back to gym after a long (years) period of illness, and 
got a trainer- after two weeks of serious workouts, 3x/wk, I shot the
best group I have ever shot with the 45.  the workouts are 30min
supervised.  At 88, I am still improving.

L. Boscoe

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Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting? - Page 2 Empty Re: Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting?

Post by jjbhonn Fri Dec 20, 2024 2:13 pm

Very encouraging! I am 77 and dealing with shortness of breath (heart) {doing a lot of walking}.
Please let us know what exercises (specifically) you attribute your improvement to, as suggested by your trainer? Grateful and Merry Christmas!


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Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting? - Page 2 Empty Re: Gym training: does it help or hurt BE shooting?

Post by Otmike1111 Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:34 pm

“1. Weight training to increase upper body strength and endurance (free weights, machines, etc)
2. Weight training to increase leg strength
3. Cables and other machines to strengthen core and abdominal muscles
4. Cardio to increase endurance
5. Stretching to increase flexibility
6. Exercises to improve balance (standing on one leg, standing on balance board or similar)

What are your thoughts and experiences?



I try to focus on all of those as well - including #6. It just makes sense to me. I can’t say it’s improved my scores but I did a lot of working out over the summer (as well as a lot of range time) and my handicap did go down I think 50% this season (so far- 😁). I’m thinking the exercise helped some at least. To me, #2 is really key also.

Edit: sorry, I screwed up the “quote”


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