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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Steve K
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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver Empty 22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Post by Upper40 12/3/2024, 12:02 pm

Getting ready to start 22LR ammo testing for my S&W 6" Model 617 10 shot revolver.  Looking for ammo suggestions from some 617 owners, goal is 50 yard grouping and reliability. (Action Pistol) 



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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver Empty Re: 22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Post by Steve K 12/3/2024, 12:20 pm

In my 617 I found TAC22 to perform the best.

Steve K

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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver Empty Re: 22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Post by Upper40 12/3/2024, 1:11 pm

Should have also asked about the 617 forcing cone size.  My Brownells gauge indicates that the forcing cone is tight but within the acceptable range.


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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver Empty Re: 22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Post by LenV 12/3/2024, 2:17 pm

Tough choices. I recommend Armscor, Remington and Winchester...never use ammo from those 3 brands. Pretty much everything else will work just fine in a 10 shot revolver. I have several model 17s and they like everything except ammo that are total duds. Remington and Winchester would not of been on that list 30 years ago. They are now. And if I get any FTF out of my latest batch of Federal they will go on that no buy list also. A 17 is just like a 617 but prettier. IMHO

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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver Empty Re: 22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Post by tomd999 12/3/2024, 3:07 pm

My K22 3rd series (~1947) absolutely loves Remington blue box “Target”. It has a full power hammer spring in it for a good wack so I haven’t had an issue with alibis with the Rem. It’s hotter than most target rounds so I notice it doesn’t leave as much soot in the chambers as other target rounds tend to do.

My 2 cents,


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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver Empty Re: 22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Post by 14S&W 12/3/2024, 11:39 pm

My 617 shoots fine with CCI standard velocity.  The best accuracy was with SK Pistol Match.  I tried TAC but I was having problems with the cases sticking and hard extraction.  It was the same way in 3 different pistols so it wasn’t the 617. Others seem to have better luck with it.  Those 617’s are a lot of fun to shoot.


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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver Empty Re: 22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Post by 243winxb 12/9/2024, 8:54 am

Not this. Bullet diameter oversize.  Will not chamber in many guns.

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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver Empty Re: 22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Post by BE Mike 12/9/2024, 9:35 am

Especially in regards to guns chambered in .22 LR, every gun seems to have a different ammo that shoots better in the particular gun. Even the same make and model gun, made the same day, may differ in ammo preference. 50 yards is the real defining distance for bullseye shooters and small game hunters. I don't know about the S&W model 617, but the charging holes in my S&W 17 & 18 needed the attention of a reamer.
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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver Empty Re: 22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Post by -TT- Yesterday at 8:47 pm

I occasionally shoot indoor bullseye with my Model 63, the 6-shot J-frame older brother of the 617.

Best results - Federal Automatch. 325 rounds loose in box. Unlubed, cheap, ejects cleanly and easily, and... accurate. Second choice - CCI Blazer 22 LRN (not the plated stuff).

Any waxed/lubed match ammo is a disaster after one or two shots per cylinder. They fail to eject, and require extra pressure to seat. Even a slight protrusion leads to duds. I've run a cord cleaner through each hole to restore function, and it takes several passes.

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22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver Empty Re: 22LR ammo in S&W 617 revolver

Post by Upper40 Yesterday at 10:03 pm

As an update I did have great accuracy with the Eley black box ammo.  I picked up a 2nd 6" Model 617.  As reported in the previous posts extraction was difficult in both.  Wound up purchasing a Manson Cylinder Reamer and cleaning up my two 6" 617's, they extract like butter now!  My 4" 617 has always emptied freely (my favorite 22 handgun).   

While cleaning up the older 6" 617 cylinder chambers - one in 10 was very tight. Learned that cylinder exit hole is tight, have that cylinder chamber marked and always felt one cylinder shot differently.    

Also picked up a Go No Go .2235 & .2245 Pin Plug Gauge, the 2nd 617 gauges within spec and forcing cone gauged properly also.

Now just need for this northern NY Winter weather to warm to a point where I can feel my fingers.


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