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GSP 500...they do exist.

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GSP 500...they do exist. Empty GSP 500...they do exist.

Post by 10sandxs 12/3/2024, 9:54 pm

Well, i decided to be a guineas pig and get one. I've never been impressed with the cost vs performance of the pardini over a 1911 conversion, and while it's no better with the GSP500, I've got a sweet spot for Walther so what the heck

Long story short... its very easy to shoot and accurate. I over did my initial trigger adjustment so it wasn't consistently resetting the hammer I did a quick, rough adjustment and shot one string of slow fire (first target) and then a string of rapid fire on the same target. When I transposed the slowfire hits to a real slowfire target, it scored a 94 with a 99-4 rapid fire. Not to shabby considering i haven't fired a shot in three months...

Once I'm officially cleared to shoot, I'll give it more of a workout

GSP 500...they do exist. 20241210
GSP 500...they do exist. 20241212
GSP 500...they do exist. 20241211

GSP 500...they do exist. 20241213


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GSP 500...they do exist. Empty Re: GSP 500...they do exist.

Post by NYKenn 12/4/2024, 9:16 am

FWIW: This gun in socialist New York is considered and Assault Weapon and is illegal.


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GSP 500...they do exist. Empty Re: GSP 500...they do exist.

Post by Pinetree 12/4/2024, 11:15 am

Well dang it.. now I want one.


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GSP 500...they do exist. Empty Re: GSP 500...they do exist.

Post by Brian.highstandard 12/4/2024, 7:19 pm

Does the GSP 500 have removable weights to customize the pistol weight? Is that available in 32 SWL? Weight compared to the GSP or Pardini? 



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GSP 500...they do exist. Empty Re: GSP 500...they do exist.

Post by JHHolliday 12/4/2024, 7:35 pm

NYKenn wrote:Nice!
FWIW: This gun in socialist New York is considered and Assault Weapon and is illegal.
Looks like they have a point.  Them bullet holes look pretty social

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GSP 500...they do exist. Empty Re: GSP 500...they do exist.

Post by 10sandxs 12/4/2024, 8:16 pm

Brian.highstandard wrote:Does the GSP 500 have removable weights to customize the pistol weight? Is that available in 32 SWL? Weight compared to the GSP or Pardini? 


Yes, yes, not sure..


Posts : 974
Join date : 2016-01-29

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GSP 500...they do exist. Empty Re: GSP 500...they do exist.

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