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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by BillT 12/16/2024, 6:10 pm

I just joined the forum after reading a number of on line posts about the subject WAL barrel bushing.  Does anyone know how to get in contact with the individual that developed this item to inquire if it is still being offered.

Looking forward to any available information.




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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty Re: WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by DA/SA 12/16/2024, 6:39 pm

Beretta developed it. WAL just copies it.

Try the Beretta forum. That's where he usually can be found.

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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by BillT 12/18/2024, 12:58 pm

Do you have any idea which Beretta forum is the best to try in my efforts to get contact information on WAL.  I tried to join Berettaforum.net but a notification comes up as follows, "Registration disabled by administrator"




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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty Re: WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by DA/SA 12/18/2024, 4:31 pm


He appears to be a pretty secretive guy. I don't think he has ever disclosed his name. I haven't visited that forum in years. (Well until I just posted this!)

The only way to contact him seems to be to join the forum and then send him a Private Message.

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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty Re: WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by mustachio 12/28/2024, 7:52 pm

I have the modification on my 92FS and it has increased the accuracy of the handgun dramatically.
Contact him via the Beretta forum after you join the forum.

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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty Re: WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by BillT 12/30/2024, 11:06 am


Thank you for your response of Dec 28th.  

Which of the Beretta forums do you suggest for getting in touch with WAL.  One that I attempted to register with, BerettaForum.net does not appear to be accepting any new members.  

Would it be possible to get additional information from you regarding what exactly you had done to your 92FS, i.e. did you use the original barrel etc.

Any information is appreciated.



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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty Re: WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by jareds06 1/1/2025, 2:08 am

BillT wrote:Mustachio,

Thank you for your response of Dec 28th.  

Which of the Beretta forums do you suggest for getting in touch with WAL.  One that I attempted to register with, BerettaForum.net does not appear to be accepting any new members.  

Would it be possible to get additional information from you regarding what exactly you had done to your 92FS, i.e. did you use the original barrel etc.

Any information is appreciated.

I've done this modification to my own beretta with great results. It's not difficult and anyone with a lathe can do it. You could probably do it without a lathe if you want to do it the way the military teams did it: they just threaded the end of the barrel presumably with a die and threaded a plain bushing on the end instead of a bushing that sleeves over an unthreaded section and then a locknut to hold it on, which is what WAL/Beretta used/uses. 

If your muzzle is already threaded, it is really as simple as creating a step behind the threads the same or larger diameter as the major diameter of the existing thread (probably 1/2x28) and making a bushing to fit there behind the the thread protector.

The only time I'd care to single point thread for this is if I ever intend to use a suppressor in front of the bushing, which I don't, though I have single point threaded one. 

WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta TMtFMqX
WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta YTzKHpC

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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty Re: WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by Wes Lorenz 1/1/2025, 12:27 pm

Is this CMP legal? I know the Sam's method is.
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty Re: WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by chiz1180 1/1/2025, 12:34 pm

Wes Lorenz wrote:Is this CMP legal? I know the Sam's method is.
Reading 4.1.1 from the 27th edition of the CMP rule books, I do not see anything with that particular modification that would make it not legal.

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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty Re: WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by Wes Lorenz 1/1/2025, 1:16 pm

chiz1180 wrote:
Wes Lorenz wrote:Is this CMP legal? I know the Sam's method is.
Reading 4.1.1 from the 27th edition of the CMP rule books, I do not see anything with that particular modification that would make it not legal.
You're right! I should have read the new rules before posting. The bushing size requirement for the 92 is gone along with any pistol brand/model requirements.
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty Re: WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

Post by mustachio 1/2/2025, 9:05 am

BillT wrote:Mustachio,

Thank you for your response of Dec 28th.  

Which of the Beretta forums do you suggest for getting in touch with WAL.  One that I attempted to register with, BerettaForum.net does not appear to be accepting any new members.  

Would it be possible to get additional information from you regarding what exactly you had done to your 92FS, i.e. did you use the original barrel etc.

Any information is appreciated.

I did some searching and found this info on him. Give him a call and ask if he still is doing the modification.

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WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta Empty Re: WAL Conical Barrel Bushing for a 92X Performance Beretta

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