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Pardini mod sp spring identification

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Pardini mod sp spring identification  Empty Pardini mod sp spring identification

Post by Gknowles13 12/17/2024, 7:18 pm

I have a rather new to me pardini mod sp pistol. I have only put around 100 rounds through it. As I was shooting the other night halfway through i noticed my trigger felt different, the reset was significantly harder to feel. I glanced down at the bench and happened to notice this spring sitting there. I assume it is some type of trigger return spring? I looked through the manual but did not find it extremely helpful. Looking for how to put this back where it belongs. Thanks for your help. -grantPardini mod sp spring identification  Img_0610
Pardini mod sp spring identification  Img_0611
Pardini mod sp spring identification  Img_0410


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Join date : 2024-12-17

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Pardini mod sp spring identification  Empty Re: Pardini mod sp spring identification

Post by NukeMMC 12/18/2024, 3:51 am

Looking at the parts diagram at Pardini USA (https://www.pardiniguns.com/store/imagemaps/sp_m_diagram.php), I would say pc. 756. If you aren't quite familiar with how the pistol is assembled, you are best served by having the folks at Pardini USA do it. They should be able to give it a good "tune-up" while they have it.

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