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Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr

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Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr Empty Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr

Post by ser2711 12/18/2024, 3:52 am

I have chance to buy a Revolver Colt mod. Officers Model Match cal. 22 LR or S&W mod. 17-3 both are in perfect condition, which is more accurate for competitions?


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Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr Empty Re: Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr

Post by JRV 12/18/2024, 6:16 am

There’s no way to predict that from here, at least the mechanical accuracy. Both models have excellent reputations for accuracy.

The differences will be how the guns fit in your hand. The E/I frame Colt and the K-frame Smith have different factory grip sizes, grip angles, thumb reach to hammer, and trigger reach. They will balance differently in hand. If you are shooting double action for any portion of the match, the Colt design stacks the trigger weight versus straighter weight in the Smith. The Colt hammer is usually lighter to cock with a longer throw. If the Smith has a 1/2” wide target trigger, the double action ergonomics might not work for you, but it will have an excellent feeling single action pull. Both have decent factory target sights—unless the Colt has upgraded factory Elliason sights, which are top notch.

As far as service and maintenance goes, the Smith is more complicated inside, but the K-frame has tons of aftermarket and factory support for new parts that take little or no fitting. The Colt will require you to be handy—service parts are out there, like reproduction or factory hands, but you will have to fit them to keep the gun in time.

It’s all personal preference.


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Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr Empty Re: Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr

Post by Tripscape 12/18/2024, 7:46 am

Everything stated is absolutely correct. By design Colt is supposed to have better cylinder lock, with hand rotating cylinder toward the frame.  There is notably much less play. That also means less margin for mechanical errors. In real world I have not found it to produce better accuracy. So the differences are mostly ergonomic, frame size and parts availability. Colt has better sights by a good margin, if later models.


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Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr Empty Re: Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr

Post by Ongentho 12/18/2024, 8:09 am

I'm far from an expert, so caveat emptor on this advice.

If you plan on shooting double action, the Smith is better. If you're shooting single action, it doesn't matter as much. For 22, I can't imagine there to be accuracy differences large enough to make a difference.

I ended up going with a Colt OMM in 22, but mostly because I use a Python for Distinguished Revolver. The OMM and Python share a frame size, have interchangeable grips, and very similar ergonomics. I had my Python first, because I found it easier to cock the hammer while shooting sustained fire single-action. So i picked up the OMM as a cheaper way to practice.  The 617 will share a frame size with a k38 if you end up going that route for DR. 

As far as sights go, Kensight makes reproduction Elliason's that will fit the Colt OMM.


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Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr Empty Re: Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr

Post by Bullseye Smith 12/20/2024, 9:11 pm

The Smith will give you better service, have a trigger job along with a longer firing pen. Then you will have a good match gun for D/A. Trigger Job must be where the pull takes the same pressure from start of pull to the finish. CCI SV works the best overall, unless you can find SK or Wolf.

Bullseye Smith

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Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr Empty Re: Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr

Post by spursnguns 12/21/2024, 5:52 pm

Hello ser2711,

The stories of Colts being fragile (hard to keep in time, etcetera), in my opinion, are greatly exaggerated.  Both will give you years of trouble free service if they are properly treated.

As an aside;  back in the '70s, when I started my bullseye journey, I couldn't afford a Colt OMM so I used my father's Colt Diamondback for two years until I could buy something else.  I had young eyes back then and never felt under-gunned.  I still have it today and it will still shoot on call when I do my part.

Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr Firear11


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Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr Empty Re: Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr

Post by WesG 12/21/2024, 10:04 pm

I had a Colt Trooper in 22 LR. Mk 3 I think. Beast of a 22 revolver.

K-17 seems much more reasonable.


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Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr Empty Re: Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr

Post by brand-new 12/22/2024, 11:33 am

i have larger hands and for me the Colt feels so much better in hand


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Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr Empty Re: Colt revolver to S&W Revoilver in .22lr

Post by Tripscape 12/22/2024, 2:10 pm

Colt E/I frame is larger than K, more like L frame in SW. Consider that 22lr revolvers are heavier than their 38/357 counterparts due to more metal left in barrel and cylinder per smaller bore. So larger frame becomes even heavier. Though I must admit I liked the balance of OMM.


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