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Roller Handle Levers for Dillon XL 750 reloading press.....anyone try the Double Alpha model?

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Roller Handle Levers for Dillon XL 750 reloading press.....anyone try the Double Alpha model? Empty Roller Handle Levers for Dillon XL 750 reloading press.....anyone try the Double Alpha model?

Post by brand-new 12/24/2024, 5:00 pm

I've read about several different makes of roller handle levers for the Dillon reloading press such as the Dillon and Inline Fabrication models.

I was however curious about the Double Alpha version. It seems to offer great adjustability / ergonomic potential.

Does anyone currently have one or perhaps tried one? 

I'd love to learn from your experience be it positive or negative.

Thank you and Happy Holidays to all.


Posts : 208
Join date : 2022-01-12

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