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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

james r chapman
bruce martindale
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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by Kimber-45 12/25/2024, 3:01 am

I have always used Oregon Trail Laser cast 45 SWC bullets for my 1911 Bullseye gun. I highly recommend them as they are really clean to work with, lubed superbly, and shoot great. They are of an alloy which is high in silver so they are relatively hard compared to the cheaper moly lubed lead stuff.
Now I am entering into reloading for my Pardini SP conversion for 32 S&W Long.
I have a batch of bullets from them for the 32 cal. which come sized .313
I have looked into the specs. and OAL , etc.
These bullets can be loaded from either end as they have a crimp groove on both ends.
My question is if I load the wadcutter head into the case and crimp lightly into the groove provided in the casting the OAL will be slightly longer than what the specified wad cutter specification should be.
Attached is a photo of these bullets.
Thanks in advance for your input and answers.
32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Attachment
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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by bruce martindale 12/25/2024, 7:20 am

I have those. 

Load them flush with slight crimp over the top.

No worries.

bruce martindale

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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by james r chapman 12/25/2024, 10:04 am

Or , tediously trim the cases to fit .
james r chapman
james r chapman

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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by fc60 12/25/2024, 12:44 pm


I believe you will receive better results if the bullets are sized to 0.314".

Pardini barrels generally have a 0.314" groove diameter.



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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by targetshooter_10x 12/25/2024, 1:15 pm

Fc60 has spoken. :-) King of .32

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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by Kimber-45 12/26/2024, 2:07 am

fc60 wrote:Greetings,

I believe you will receive better results if the bullets are sized to 0.314".

Pardini barrels generally have a 0.314" groove diameter.


.314 is a number that keeps coming up.
I can buy Lapua wadcutter heads that are .314 at reasonable priced.
They however dont have the crimp groove.
So what I am guessing I would want a light crimp on these just to push the bell closed? My cases only get belled for bullet insertion of .006-.008.

What are you guys using for crimp dies?

Also ... The RCBS seating die I have (ebay) only came with SWC and RN seating rods. I probably have to also put one of these on the lathe and cut them back on the lathe a bit to give me a wider ram.

Last edited by Kimber-45 on 12/26/2024, 11:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by james r chapman 12/26/2024, 11:50 am

When cutting back the seating stem, make sure your smaller diameter than the case walls!

I found I had to FLS my brass to get enough tension to prevent crimping from forcing the bullet deeper into the case.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by fc60 12/26/2024, 12:52 pm


Seat the bullet shoulder flush to the end of the case mouth.

Either taper crimp or roll crimp to ensure positive functioning.

I have yet to see test targets that prove crimping improves accuracy.

Good luck with the Lapua 98 0.314 bullets. I never was able to get them to shoot well.

Some folks have had good results with the Bear Creek 98 grain 0.314 HBWC.



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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by Kimber-45 12/28/2024, 12:31 am

fc60 wrote:Greetings,

Seat the bullet shoulder flush to the end of the case mouth.

Either taper crimp or roll crimp to ensure positive functioning.

I have yet to see test targets that prove crimping improves accuracy.

Good luck with the Lapua 98 0.314 bullets. I never was able to get them to shoot well.

Some folks have had good results with the Bear Creek 98 grain 0.314 HBWC.


Over the last couple of weeks those bear creek heads keep popping up. I'm contacting them Monday.
I will shoot the 22LR version of My SP four times more but starting with a solid recipe with the 32 conversion will go a long way in not wasting a bunch of time. I've also been hearing that the Lapua heads get stale and the lube dries up from many more shooters.

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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by troystaten 12/28/2024, 1:07 am

A friend of mine shoots Bear Creek HBWC in his 32 S&W Pardini, seems to shoot well.  They are listed as having a .314 diameter.


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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by Fezzik68 12/28/2024, 6:12 am

+1 for Bear Creek. I've had good results at 50yds.
1.6gr WST or
1.5gr Accurate #2



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32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP Empty Re: 32 S&W Wad Cutter Bullets and OAL for Pardini HP

Post by ermakevin 12/28/2024, 7:26 am

my 2 cents;
Lapua works well for me when shot under 30 yards
i have been using Bear Creek for a year or so. they have been running well up to 50 yards, where i still struggle.
there are not many .32 bullet makers any longer, i was happy to see BC producing them. 
i do see many people still using .32 on the line, some people think its an anomaly now, but recently i saw a 32 ACP as well as a .45 GAP on the line, those are the anomalies.     lol    good luck

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