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hbwc or dewc

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hbwc or dewc Empty hbwc or dewc

Post by RedBand 12/26/2024, 1:29 am

Each style is commonly found in components and mold catalogs. hollow base, double ended, button nose. 

But if 1 base style, hollow or non hollow base, is more accurate then the other, 

is that an indicator of something about the gun, the chamber, the cylinder gap, the forcing cone, or the barrel?

if a dewc pushing 900fp per loading manual is more accurate then factory 148 hbwc... what does that tell the experienced shooters


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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by james r chapman 12/26/2024, 12:46 pm

I’d have to see evidence that 900fps dewc was indeed more accurate that the well established hbwc at 730 fps.

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james r chapman

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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by RedBand 12/26/2024, 3:10 pm

james r chapman wrote:I’d have to see evidence that 900fps dewc was indeed more accurate that the well established hbwc at 730 fps.

its been a while, maybe 8 months. But the DEWC actually shot to point of aim at 20 yards. Only fired a cylinder, but it grouped under 2". the s&b hbwc factory ammo, i dug up my last target, generally shot between 4-6" at 20 yards.


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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by PhotoEscape 12/26/2024, 3:54 pm

RedBand wrote:its been a while, maybe 8 months. But the DEWC actually shot to point of aim at 20 yards. Only fired a cylinder, but it grouped under 2".
I'm afraid your evaluating parameters are not in line with the ones we commonly use to evaluate suitability of ammunition for the use in Precision Pistol matches.  Six shots fired with particular firearm at the short distance isn't representative of the much larger sample of barrels / firearms many shooters use.  The biggest difference between HBWC and DEWC projectiles is their ability to obdurate barrels.  This is where HBWC proven to be more universal.  


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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by S148 12/26/2024, 4:02 pm

RedBand wrote:
its been a while, maybe 8 months. But the DEWC actually shot to point of aim at 20 yards. Only fired a cylinder, but it grouped under 2". the s&b hbwc factory ammo, i dug up my last target, generally shot between 4-6" at 20 yards.

Here's a more realistic comparison of different WC bullets;


And a small number of shots per group is a poor sample size to use for testing accuracy:



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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by james r chapman 12/26/2024, 4:44 pm

What I found fast. 50 yard was about double that.

hbwc or dewc 01110
james r chapman
james r chapman

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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by RedBand 12/26/2024, 6:03 pm

DEWC and Button nose are not worthless things, elsewise lyman cast bullet book and every other load book would NOT have data for them. 

I did alot of testing in the last two years trying to get a 38 special lhbc load to work. Sure, I only had bullseye, hp38, unique, red dot, green dot, and something else to work with, but the best hbwc load came from red dot, and i need that for a different application. unless someone wants to send me a 4 pound jug of it for free.

when the bulk of my hbwc loads stay firmly in the 4-6" grouping, and a dewc with a completely random powder charge of unique or 231, is able to stay inside 2"..  I truly believe there is something going on that i should pay attention to.

Especially when factory 148 hbwc group as bad as my handloads do.


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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by james r chapman 12/26/2024, 6:13 pm

Never called them worthless. Just don’t need 900 fps to be accurate.

Suggest https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t1209-pet-loads-of-top-shooters-loads-from-the-past
james r chapman
james r chapman

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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by troystaten 12/26/2024, 6:40 pm

In my limited testing I noticed that DEWC bullets tend to shoot a little more accurately when they are driven faster (not 900 FPS).  For HBWC I stay with loads that are in the 690-720 FPS range.  I only shoot HBWC loads in my model 52 and in my model 27 I noticed that the DECW shoot better when driven a bit faster than the HBWC loads.


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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by RedBand 12/26/2024, 9:59 pm

some guns ar different yes, however ive found the results to be the same for hbwc. sure i have used the hodgdon 1,000fps data for them, and at under 10 yards they do group alot better, but they still suck. 

Its at teh point that when i get my new bench and press setup, im trying un sized fired cases with my speer hbwc and see if that does anything. 

otherwise im thinking dewc and playing with gas checks.


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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by james r chapman 12/26/2024, 10:09 pm

Good luck with that!
If you get 2” at 50 yds you might have a new standard!
james r chapman
james r chapman

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hbwc or dewc Empty Re: hbwc or dewc

Post by S148 12/26/2024, 10:30 pm

RedBand wrote:im trying un sized fired cases with my speer hbwc and see if that does anything. 

Just an FYI, my S&W doesn't like Speer HBWC, but does well with Zeros. If the Speers don't shoot well for you, try another brand.


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