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tornado brush

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tornado brush Empty tornado brush

Post by RedBand 1/1/2025, 10:00 pm

discovered the shot gun tornado brush. loves it. 

Am wondering why i have never seen the PISTOL version for sale in a physical store, or even mentioned online?

not even sure what brand would be best. or if the pistol version only for chambers, or for the barrel as well.


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tornado brush Empty Re: tornado brush

Post by Grifo 1/1/2025, 11:35 pm

.45 acp:

Hoppe's No. 9 Tornado Gunsmith's Brush , .45 Caliber Pistol https://a.co/d/3aJxSuR


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tornado brush Empty Re: tornado brush

Post by djperry2 1/2/2025, 2:13 am

I tried the Tornado brush in 38 and 45. It should work great on a smooth bore, but it does not get the lead out of the corners between the grooves.
What worked for me was Hoppe's #9 and JB's bore paste and patience. Cycle between #9 on a brush, let soak 15 minutes. Brush again and patch out. If lead still present, use bore paste then brush with #9 and wait. Do over until all lead is gone. If you don't get it all, it will be back.

I have been told firing a few jacketed bullets after lead will clean it out. Can't do that with a Model 52 though.

P.S.  Don't let your bore brush get worn out. Keep a few new ones on hand. An old one looses it's effectiveness.



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tornado brush Empty Re: tornado brush

Post by chopper 1/2/2025, 9:57 am

My tornado brush package said "not for the barrel" on it. It works pretty good on my model 14 cylinder.


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tornado brush Empty Re: tornado brush

Post by bruce martindale 1/2/2025, 3:12 pm

Watch out for stainless brushes. Tornadoes are nice for smoothbores but…they wear a flat spot and don’t feel good anymore. So maybe they can scratch?

bruce martindale

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tornado brush Empty Re: tornado brush

Post by gwhite 1/2/2025, 4:30 pm

My concern has always been that they would wear down the sharp edges on the lands, and not get into the corners of the grooves.  The geometry just isn't designed to clean rifling well.


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tornado brush Empty Re: tornado brush

Post by 4th Corner Traveler 1/3/2025, 10:50 pm

I have used the Pro Shot 38 and 40 caliber "Tornado" brushes when cleaning the cylinders of my 32 & 38 revolvers. They have worked well.
Like others have mentioned, I have not had good luck cleaning the bores, so I just stick to the normal bronze brush.
4th Corner Traveler
4th Corner Traveler

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tornado brush Empty Re: tornado brush

Post by RedBand 1/4/2025, 1:02 am

"twiddles thumbs contentdly"

i went with the hoppes brand... they do seem to do soemthing..  the 357, did not show a whole lot of improvement in the chambers until i rand a rag of birchwood casey synthetic gun oil through... i have some very rough chambers in that angled transition spot..

    running in the barrel didnt do MUCH.. did better on the forcing cone then the lewis lead remover system does. 

deleaded the 44 chambers just fine. But did absolutely NOTHING to the barrel. so im happy again. 

Am thinking im gonna have to get a jug of kroil and mix it up with #9


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