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Smith and Wesson M52 -2

BE Mike
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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by rich.tullo 1/3/2025, 1:39 pm

For sale at LGS , 3 Mags they are asking $1200 , seems fair, in 95% to 100% condition, no barrel wrench. Should I?????? Trigger seemed excellent #2 to #2.5 zero creep. 

Should I????

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by chiz1180 1/3/2025, 1:53 pm

If you want a collectors piece and you like it why not?

I personally would not buy with the intent of serious competition use.

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by Drawman623 1/3/2025, 2:49 pm

The price is OK
Ive bought several under 1k.
As to whether you should… I have no regrets. Great shooters. Plan to reload your own tho as the expense of sourcing good ammo adds to overall cost of ownership more so than most pistols.


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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by messenger 1/3/2025, 2:59 pm

rich.tullo wrote:For sale at LGS , 3 Mags they are asking $1200 , seems fair, in 95% to 100% condition, no barrel wrench. Should I?????? Trigger seemed excellent #2 to #2.5 zero creep. 

Should I????

You don't need a barrel wrench. They are pretty much finger tight. Every one needs to own one. It's an experience!


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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by rich.tullo 1/3/2025, 3:37 pm

I was thinking about selling my M19 revolver and maybe a LNIB SRO that I am not using with a bushing, factory barrel  fit by Jon Eulette and a trigger I re did on my own if you like medium roll triggers. 

I just handled it and felt awesome , tight as the queens crouch and trigger was magnificent.

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by L. Boscoe 1/3/2025, 10:12 pm

Definitely a worthwhile purchase. I have several and shoot them all the time with my hand loads.

L. Boscoe

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by troystaten 1/4/2025, 12:23 am

I have a 52-1, they are fun to shoot, not to many people use them in matches but if you have the funds the price sounds good.


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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by Multiracer 1/4/2025, 4:29 am

messenger wrote:
rich.tullo wrote:For sale at LGS , 3 Mags they are asking $1200 , seems fair, in 95% to 100% condition, no barrel wrench. Should I?????? Trigger seemed excellent #2 to #2.5 zero creep. 

Should I????

You don't need a barrel wrench. They are pretty much finger tight. Every one needs to own one. It's an experience!

3/4" deepwell 12 point socket works the charm.


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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by BE Mike 1/4/2025, 8:40 am

Sounds like a good deal. The model 52's are known to shoot best with factory match ammo, if you are looking at shooting 50 yards. They are not a forgiving pistol. They require a lot more follow-through than an accurized 1911 in .45 ACP. My 52-1 was 100% reliable with factory ammo. They are a throwback to when factories could build something amazing. Having said all of that, I agree with chiz1180. I wouldn't buy it with the thought of using it in serious outdoor competitions, especially if your goal is to make outdoor Master.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by rich.tullo 1/4/2025, 2:45 pm

Ok so here is what I am considering , selling my m19 revolver, and maybe selling a SRO that I did some work to but is virtually brand new at the most is has 50 test fire rounds down the pipe. It's got a super nice trigger and a customer re fit factory barrel. 

I like the 52 and always wanted one. 

I have a good home defense gun in 9mm but I was think either this 52, a sig 210 or build a 38 super on a Tisas loaner using a 1:10 twist barrel. I am not a fan of the 9mm it is like the fast food hamburger of the bullet world.

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by djperry2 1/4/2025, 6:06 pm

Easy decision, do you want to show or shoot?

If show: either 1 or 2.
If shoot pick #3.



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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by jwax 1/5/2025, 11:29 am

Curious why a few opinions are to NOT use the M52 in competition.

Are you saying the gun is not capable of Master class scores, or just that there are alternatives that are easier to excel with?

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by SingleActionAndrew 1/5/2025, 11:37 am

Sounds like a fun international centerfire gun! I'd have a hard time passing up a good example at a good price too

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by BE Mike 1/6/2025, 9:03 am

jwax wrote:Curious why a few opinions are to NOT use the M52 in competition.

Are you saying the gun is not capable of Master class scores, or just that there are alternatives that are easier to excel with?
I'm saying that I took the advice of a couple of High Master shooters, when I was an Expert, and stopped shooting a S&W model 52-1 in the centerfire portion of matches and using my accurized 1911 in .45 ACP instead. I think that it was one factor in my making Outdoor Master and that was my goal. Other folks may have different goals and/ or different results.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by gwhite 1/6/2025, 10:36 am

Some pistols (for reasons that are not at all obvious) are more or less "forgiving" than others.  The Model 52 has a reputation for being less forgiving than other options.  A lot of it may just be different ergonomics.  The 52 is very different from a 1911, and if you have to shoot a 1911 for the .45 matches, switching back & forth may be difficult.  That's why lots of shooters use 1911 conversions for .22 competition.

I'm certain excellent scores are possible with the 52, but it may take a lot more practice (and ammo) to get there.


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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by Wobbley 1/6/2025, 2:13 pm

Is it “less forgiving” or maybe it’s a bit less accurate ( than a properly accurized 1911)?

Look at these pictures and pick the pistol to shoot.

Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Img_0720
Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Img_1014

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by BE Mike 1/6/2025, 5:01 pm

I don't think that the S&W model 52 is less accurate, but requires follow through for every shot. I shot this timed fire match, back in the day, with my Smith and Wesson model 52-1 at an outdoor match:
Smith and Wesson M52 -2  6YDxMba
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by DA/SA 1/6/2025, 5:57 pm

I have to agree with BE Mike.

The first ten rounds I ever shot with a 52-2.

Smith and Wesson M52 -2  XuBnIq9l

I seldom shoot it because the trigger is too light for my liking.

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by jwax 1/6/2025, 6:13 pm

Smith and Wesson M52 -2  M52-210
My best, benched.

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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by targetbarb 1/7/2025, 11:59 am

jwax wrote:Curious why a few opinions are to NOT use the M52 in competition.

Are you saying the gun is not capable of Master class scores, or just that there are alternatives that are easier to excel with?
Just my 2 cents worth, even though I'm not a top level BE competitor (yet Mwhaaa).  
1) I love my 52, have 2 in fact - one with irons, one with a dot.  It's a superbly accurate pistol, HOWEVER, as many have noted if your trigger control/follow through are not also superb it will not perform well.  
2) In windy conditions that long, relatively slow moving bullet out of a slow twist barrel makes for larger groups at 50 yd than the venerable .45.
3) Shooting a separate caliber for CF means an additional gun to learn - different grip, different trigger, etc.  
If you have to have one (I did after shooting one a few years ago) just know it won't likely win the big matches especially in windy conditions.


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Smith and Wesson M52 -2  Empty Re: Smith and Wesson M52 -2

Post by rreinholt 1/7/2025, 2:41 pm

If you have the money, buy it.  You can never have enough toys.  I have shot some amazing scores with mine back in the day and I have shot some amazing scores with my 45 and 38 Super.  When money is on the line, 45 all the way.

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