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POA change w/ new recoil spring?

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POA change w/ new recoil spring?  Empty POA change w/ new recoil spring?

Post by croesler 1/5/2025, 10:51 am

Does it make sense that changing a 16 lbs recoil spring to 14 lbs (in Springfield 1911) would noticeably change the point of impact at 50 feet?  Seemed to for me... was not anticipating that?  Could a recoil spring change also affect grouping?

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POA change w/ new recoil spring?  Empty Re: POA change w/ new recoil spring?

Post by JRV 1/5/2025, 11:16 am

Not likely; bullet-in-barrel time is give-or-take a thousandth of a second. Your recoil spring isn’t the only force the momentum of the slide’s recoil is working to overcome—your hammer and mainspring are also involved in the equation. 2 lbs of recoil spring load isn’t making a meaningful difference in terms of in-battery dwell time, so you shouldn’t see a difference in shot location or group size, especially at such a short range.


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POA change w/ new recoil spring?  Empty Re: POA change w/ new recoil spring?

Post by Pinetree 1/5/2025, 11:27 am

I can't give you a better answer than what is above, only to add that I change my springs once a year as a matter of course and I don't feel like I see any difference at all.


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POA change w/ new recoil spring?  Empty Re: POA change w/ new recoil spring?

Post by gwhite 1/5/2025, 3:06 pm

It's possible the change in spring force is altering the way the barrel locks up.  Especially at 50 feet, I certainly wouldn't expect a noticeable shift, but anything is possible...


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POA change w/ new recoil spring?  Empty Re: POA change w/ new recoil spring?

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