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Bullseye 22lr pistol

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Bullseye 22lr pistol  Empty Bullseye 22lr pistol

Post by Ironshovel77 1/7/2025, 11:56 am

Just starting out in bullseye looking upgrade my 22lr i am leaning towards a hammerli esse c or maybe 215, 208 
Three thinking I am looking for 
First and foremost great shooter
Second doesn't weigh a ton ( not as young as I was )
third ease of getting parts
I have a ruger mark 4  looking to change up 


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Join date : 2024-12-22

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Bullseye 22lr pistol  Empty Re: Bullseye 22lr pistol

Post by JRV 1/7/2025, 4:27 pm

208/215 is a big step above the Xesse (now the Walther CSP) in terms of trigger feel and build quality. It’s a heavy gun but well balanced. You can always change the barrel weight or omit it entirely, but some weight near the muzzle is usually helpful. Jon Shue and RedFeather are sources of parts. Original mags are not super available (they can be found $100+ apiece), but you can make a reliable working mag from a modern Model 41 magazine (or just buy a second 208/215, it’s still cheaper than a Pardini).

Comparable for similar, possibly less, money: Hamden-made High Standard Victor or 107 Trophy/Citation. Parts are available, quality (not Triple K) mags are available (and super easy to tune if ever needed), and the trigger is about as good as any U.S. manufacturer has ever made.

Don’t rule out a dedicated 1911 conversion like a Nelson. You don’t get a fine “match pistol” trigger, but an excellent 1911 trigger tuned to a appropriate weight for .22 shooting is not exactly a handicap. Those will have the most plentiful parts and will generally weigh less than the true “match pistols.”


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Bullseye 22lr pistol  Empty Re: Bullseye 22lr pistol

Post by hamdenman 1/7/2025, 5:06 pm

Don’t rule out an older S&W 41.  They are solid, have good support and are accurate (even more so with a lined barrel).  I have all the usual suspects (208’s benelli, Pardini, Unique, beretta 89, 87t and many High standards-I’m super partial to those) and still enjoy my 41.


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Bullseye 22lr pistol  Empty Re: Bullseye 22lr pistol

Post by jglenn21 1/7/2025, 6:55 pm

The xesse or newer CSP is a good bit lighter than the 208/215 series. I had mine relined several years ago and its just as accurate as my current 208s. Trigger is a big difference. I see quite a few of the xesse on the line these days

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Bullseye 22lr pistol  Empty Re: Bullseye 22lr pistol

Post by Larry2520 1/7/2025, 9:12 pm

Boy are you in luck ! I'm getting rid of most of my equipment and have a Hamden High Standard with an LSP barrel that's been slab sided with a light and the standard barrel. It's a Supermatic Citation and has no frame issues. Also comes with two mags. If interested pm me.


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