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Coated Bullet Fouling

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Coated Bullet Fouling Empty Coated Bullet Fouling

Post by ShooterSteve 1/8/2025, 2:45 pm

I still have some Brazo's 200 gr. coated H&G68 style bullets.  I have been loading these in a Kimber 45 acp with a Kart barrel and have had great results in accuracy and little to no fouling.  Clean up has been very easy.  I have also shot these bullets in a couple other 1911's with factory barrels and have had good results.

In addition, I have a S&W 625-8 with a 5 inch barrel that I have shot a few thousand lead bullet through. (this has become my favorite fun gun to shoot) These have been both swaged lead and hard cast non-coated bullets with the hard wax lube.  Again, great accuracy and easy clean up.  Worse case minor lead build up in forcing cone area that is easy to remove with copper brush or brush with pure copper chore boy wrapped around an undersized brush.

Recently I tried shooting the Brazo coated bullets through the 625.  This is where things went off the rails for me.  I am getting a build up in the forcing cone (see photo) that is resistant to all my cleaning solvents and copper brushes.  Today I tried shooting 50 jacketed bullets thru the barrel and it did not seem to do much.  Visually it looks like lead but I don't think it is.  My best description is that it resembles cured JB Weld.  My only guess is that it is from the Hi-Tek coating.

Has anyone experienced this with your revolvers?  If so, do you have an explanation and a method to remove it?

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Coated Bullet Fouling Empty Re: Coated Bullet Fouling

Post by james r chapman 1/8/2025, 5:00 pm

Chore Boy all copper scrubbing pads.

Only one side? Maybe a timing, alignment, issue
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Coated Bullet Fouling Empty Re: Coated Bullet Fouling

Post by ShooterSteve 1/8/2025, 8:26 pm

Thanks James.

I found out what causing the problem.  The barrel had a light burr on the i.d. that was in line with the fouling.  I was able to remove the burr by hand stoning it.  The chore boy wrapped around the brush and an hour of time finally removed the fouling.  I still don't understand why it was so difficult to remove.  On my pistol barrels with lead fouling from standard lead/wax bullets it usually takes about 6-10 passes with the chore boy copper and brush and all the lead is gone.  There was something happening with the coating during the firing process as it was being compromised with the sharp edge of the burr.  I would like to understand it more.



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Join date : 2013-02-26

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Coated Bullet Fouling Empty Re: Coated Bullet Fouling

Post by rich.tullo 1/9/2025, 8:13 am

Not that bad but I had similar problems with Precision Delta HBWC, and maybe Brazos in my m19. I have not had it with Hard Cast (Master Cast) and Bayou Bullets SWC. I have seen some shooter have problems with Brazos posted on FB.

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Coated Bullet Fouling Empty Re: Coated Bullet Fouling

Post by bruce martindale 1/9/2025, 8:35 am

Firebrush lead deposits like that. Clean in 5 minutes. Search this sight for more information

bruce martindale

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