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Nelson/Marvel/advantage Arms firing pin light hit

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Nelson/Marvel/advantage Arms firing pin light hit Empty Nelson/Marvel/advantage Arms firing pin light hit

Post by Froneck 1/11/2025, 1:20 pm

As most here know I'm making a .22 conversion. Had firing pin issues. Original build worked great but pin extruded out the back about 1/32" when firing pin was fully forward. Wanting to change that because I was altering the hammer front face. I shortened it to slightly below flush, now it require 2 to 3 hammer strikes to ignite the primer. Thinking a heavier pin would be better I got some 99.93% pure Tungsten but found Tungsten is too brittle! So made a pin from 1/2 hard 4140. Worked but wanted the rear of the pin to be flush with the slide when pushed in all the way when brass rim was against the breech face so I trimmed about 1/64" (.015") off the rear of the pin. Required 2 hammer strikes to ignite primer!  I made the retaining slot longer toward the barrel so pin extended farther out about 1/64". Now it works great!! wanting to lower hammer pressure to increase blow-back distance so slide will lock back with SK match (Green) though it did lock back with CCI standard velocity ammo. I cut 2 coils off the main spring. It was late at night so I didn't want to test lock-back but did test primer ignition by removing bullet and powder. Works great! Hope it will lock back with SK ammo.
 So for those that have ignition issues with conversions making the firing pin retaining slot wider so firing pin protrudes farther out the back should help.
 Just a note to say conversion is working great with CCI standard velocity .22LR ammo.


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Join date : 2014-04-05
Age : 77

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