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All you guy that have been doing this... What do these notes mean?

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All you guy that have been doing this...  What do these notes mean? Empty All you guy that have been doing this... What do these notes mean?

Post by s1120 Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:47 pm

Looking for a little info here. My dad was a bullseye shooter back in the 60/70's and a few years ago when he passed he left me his guns and also his old range box. I'm working on giving it a try also, and something I was wondering about.  This note was attached to the inside of the box. Can anyone walk me through what it all means?  I mean I know some of the terms, but as a whole I don't know what the note is for.  Sadly I can't ask him, just wondering if you guys could shed some light on it for me.  Thank you


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All you guy that have been doing this...  What do these notes mean? Empty Re: All you guy that have been doing this... What do these notes mean?

Post by Rob Kovach Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:54 pm

Maybe we can help message me offline if you are having trouble posting the photo of the note.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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All you guy that have been doing this...  What do these notes mean? Empty Re: All you guy that have been doing this... What do these notes mean?

Post by s1120 Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:57 pm

Sorry... pic didn't make it the first time....
All you guy that have been doing this...  What do these notes mean? Attachment
note (800x600).jpg You don't have permission to download attachments.(263 Kb) Downloaded 75 times


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All you guy that have been doing this...  What do these notes mean? Empty Re: All you guy that have been doing this... What do these notes mean?

Post by Rob Kovach Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:12 pm

It's a listing of the score one needs to attain to shoot in those classifications.  I.e. In a 2700 match any score under 2295 is marksman, 2295-2429 is sharpshooter, 2430-2565 is expert, and so on.
I find that shooting for a particular score generates an unneeded distraction from your process and generates anxiety.  Just shoot good shots and worry about the classification after you get the match results back.

The other info, is how many clicks your dad would adjust between 50 yards and 25 yards as well as to 50 feet.  Your results may vary.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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All you guy that have been doing this...  What do these notes mean? Empty Re: All you guy that have been doing this... What do these notes mean?

Post by s1120 Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:17 pm

thank you very much! That makes sence now


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All you guy that have been doing this...  What do these notes mean? Empty Re: All you guy that have been doing this... What do these notes mean?

Post by Yiogo Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:05 am

Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. May his memory be eternal. Yiogo


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All you guy that have been doing this...  What do these notes mean? Empty Re: All you guy that have been doing this... What do these notes mean?

Post by s1120 Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:49 pm

Yiogo wrote:Sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. May his memory be eternal. Yiogo

Thank you vary much.


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Age : 59
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All you guy that have been doing this...  What do these notes mean? Empty Re: All you guy that have been doing this... What do these notes mean?

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