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What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver?

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What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver? Empty What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver?

Post by knightimac Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:34 am


I sold most of my BE equipment a few years back due to some major illness and a need for cash.

Back in 90s and early 2000s, I did shoot a 625 revolver with red dot in about a dozen 2700s here in PA and NJ.

I'm looking to get back into the sport.

If I buy another 625 and put a dot on it, is it legal for Harry Reeves match at CP?

As far as the Distinguished revolver match at CP goes, should I get 38 stock revolver of is the 625 without dot Ok for that One?

One more question.  Since I'm shooting a revolver, isn't a 2.5 pound trigger OK even in 45?  Do the rules specify only 45 auto as having 3.5 pound trigger?

I look forward to your help.


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What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver? Empty Re: What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver?

Post by LenV Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:41 am

Taking the questions in reverse order. 1. yes the 2.5 lb trigger is legal for the 45 match with a revolver. 2.No, you can't use the 625 in the DSR match. It has to be able to fire 38 special. 3. Yes,the 625 with dot is legal for the Reeves match ( I shoot a 25-2).

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What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver? Empty Re: What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver?

Post by knightimac Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:57 am

Many thanks for your help my friend.

I've been looking at revolvers the last couple of weeks.

Might go for  a another 625 and maybe a 586 as well.

best regards.

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What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver? Empty Re: What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver?

Post by LenV Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:56 am

Good choices, A model 14,any dash prior to the -8 is also a good choice for DSR. Try to avoid the 14-8. They are not made with the same quality as the older pistols.

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What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver? Empty Re: What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver?

Post by james r chapman Wed Mar 26, 2014 11:06 am

i'm still waiting to find out if the WEIGAND rear sight blade for S&W's that's allowed for PPC distinguished is allowed for EIC matches...
james r chapman
james r chapman

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What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver? Empty Re: What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver?

Post by LenV Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:05 pm

James, If you mean DSR instead of E.I.C then probably not.


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What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver? Empty Re: What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver?

Post by Rob Kovach Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:22 pm

I saw a rule clarification about some sort of rear sight blade that was ruled "legal" for DR matches....if I could remember where I saw that.......
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What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver? Empty Re: What is legal for Harry Reeves? Distinguished revolver?

Post by james r chapman Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:02 pm

There is a clarification for PPC DR matches


but, I've not heard anything about NRA Distinguished Revolver ...

and, I meant DR not EIC... thanks
james r chapman
james r chapman

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