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head position and sun position

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head position and sun position   Empty head position and sun position

Post by gitkrunk Thu 27 Mar 2014, 8:40 pm

SO..... how does the sun position effect my groups?  if the sun is the left will my groups move right or left?

Another problem i think i'm having is keeping my head from leaning. How do you insure your head in straight and level? Any self checks?


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head position and sun position   Empty Re: head position and sun position

Post by dronning Thu 27 Mar 2014, 9:12 pm

Iron Sights the sun will tend to wash out the side of the front sight that it is on.  This will cause you to center the "skinnier" front sight to the side of the sun and your shots will "follow the sun".  You may also experience elevation issues with a high sun.  Blackening your sights with soot from a carbide lamp helps reduce this effect.  Sight Black works too but I've been cautioned to wipe it off right after the match.

Head lean a little is ok if it is more natural for you but too much is bad.  Side to side too much and your inner ear starts to mess with your balance.
Leaning to the front to far and you get eye strain.

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head position and sun position   Empty Re: head position and sun position

Post by john bickar Thu 27 Mar 2014, 10:31 pm

Iron sights in the open sun:
You will find that to be a pretty comprehensive overview from some shooters who have fired a bunch of 10s at Canton and Camp Perry. You may find that "conventional wisdom" is not universally wise.

As to head position, I have found that (for me) this is very important to prevent group shift. I draw a circle on the lens of my shooting glasses, to keep my head in the same position.
john bickar
john bickar

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