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titegroup and nosler 185 jhp

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titegroup and nosler 185 jhp Empty titegroup and nosler 185 jhp

Post by Dockokol 3/28/2014, 8:58 am

So I ended up with 8 pounds of Titegroup and several thousand nosler 185 jhp.  Nosler says that 5.2 titegoup was their most accurate load. They also list 4.7 as the starting load and 5.7 as top.  Is anyone currently shooting this combo, and if so, what did you end up as your load?
Thanks for the help. 
Doc Kokol


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titegroup and nosler 185 jhp Empty Re: titegroup and nosler 185 jhp

Post by Virgil Kane 3/29/2014, 4:52 pm

Never have used Nosler because I only shoot lead but I have shot lead 185's with Titegroup. I use 4.2 of Titegroup with any good 185 grain bullet.

Doesn't answer your question but there are those of us that use Titegroup. It burns a lot cleaner than BE.

IMO the reloading manuals list starting loads as much to high. Even the newer manuals showing BE are stating much higher than the 3.5 grains of BE that I use.


Virgil Kane

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titegroup and nosler 185 jhp Empty Re: titegroup and nosler 185 jhp

Post by BE Mike 3/30/2014, 12:57 pm

You are looking for a velocity around 830 fps for the Nosler 185 gr. bullet. I think you would be safe starting off at about 4.4 grains of Titegroup.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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